List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13132 Free and prior informed consent - Reflecting NCIP FPIC guidelines: Presentation of selected cases almaciga; Agathis philippinensis; resin tapping; enterprise development; weaving; natural dyes; indigenous knowledge; forest management; REDD-plus; ancestral domain; book

7326 Free Radical Scavenging Activity, Tyrosinase Inhibition Activity and Fatty Acids Composition of Oils from Pupae of Native Thai Silkworm (Bombyx mori L silkworm pupae oil fatty acid antioxidant activity tyrosinase inhibition activity

Supanida Winitchai; Jiradej Manosroi; Masahiko Abe; Korawinwich Boonpisuttinant; Aranya Manosroi

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5263 Free thiol content analysis in heated milk. thiol reconstituted milk hydroxymethylfurfural UHT treatment

Muangthai, P.; Surapat, S.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

9233 Free training in new urban farm school. training programs huller urban farming

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7158 Free-market policy root cause of mass poverty in agriculture. poverty free-market policy Masagana 99 serials agriculture magazine

11600 Freezability of Murrah bull semen in different extenders. animal science semen Indonesia



12053 Freezing preservation of carabao mango (Mangifera indica Linn.) food science and technology freezing preservation mango Mangifera indica

Tocino, Edison M.


9394 French rabbit expert visits the Philippines. Association of Rabbit Meat Producers COPRI

Veneracion, Angie M.

serials agriculture magazine

5991 Frequently asked questions about halquinol. Halquinol drugs antibiotic chlorquinol protozoan parasites diarrhea animal health

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

7021 Frequently asked questions about salmonellas (Part 2). Salmonella bacteria symptoms uncooked food treatment prevention

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine