ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8229 | Fron petro to agro: Seeds of a new economy. | biobased biorefineries biotechnology agriculture | Armstrong, Robert E. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
230 | Frontiers of nutrition and food security in Asia, Africa, and Latin America | food supply developing countries nutrition food security iron deficiency health policy nutrition behavior potato | Kotler, Neil G. (ed.) |
book |
10462 | Fruit and plantation crop production in the Philippines. | fruit crops plantation crops classification morphology growth and development site development varieties cropping systems agroforestry soil nutrient management water management flowering pruning harvesting crop protection | Namuco, Leon O.; Protacio, Calixto M. |
purch |
4936 | Fruit and shoot borer control in eggplant : Researchers develop strategies to reduce pesticide spray. | Researchers develop strategies to reduce pesticide spray. | borers : Pests of plants Leucinodes orbonalis eggplant pest control net barrier | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture |
15316 | Fruit and vegetables: Opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming | food production; production factors; fruits (botanical); vegetables; food supply chains; supply chain management; small enterprises | weblinks |
12622 | Fruit color as an indicator of seed germination and seedling performance of Jatropha curcas L. | Jatropha curcas seed germination seedling fruit color seed collection growth rate | Batin, Charlie B. |
theses |
3170 | Fruit component analysis of eight "wild" coconut populations in the Philippines | plant morphology coconut | Gruezo, W.Sm. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
4608 | Fruit crops: Avocado, duhat, lanzones, sampalok. | Persea americana Syzygium cumini Lansium domesticum Tamarindus indica botanical description distribution uses propagation phenology nursery practices plantation establishment pests of plants plant diseases | serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
899 | Fruit flies of economic importance : Proceedings of the CEC/IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982 | population fruit flies Rhagolethis cerasi Dacus dorsalis host plants tephritid genetic studies pest management | Cavalloro, R. (ed.) |
book |
822 | Fruit production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific | fruit production fruit farming marketing fruit industry tropical fruits | book |