List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5808 Garlic is not just for cooking. garlic medicinal value uses

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

5459 Gas stove using rice husk as fuel. rice husk, gas stove, fuel,

Belonio, A.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

398 Gas-chromatographic analysis of trace impurities gas-chromatographic separation sorbents impurity analysis

Berezkin, V.G.; Tatarinskii, V.S.


55 GATT-WTO and the Philippine environment: policy safeguards to ensure an environment-friendly competitiveness in world trade Environmental policies GATT WTO trade negotiations environmental regulations economic policy international trade

Malayang, Ben S.; Rañola, R.F. Jr.; Zamora, O.B.; Contreras, A.P.; Cuevas, R.E.; Espaldon, V.O.; Flor, A.G.

book ermp reports no.31

2422 GATT: Towards a new economic strategy. GATT agriculture business free traders sovereignty ideology tariffs trade

Selirio, Getsy M. (ed.)


11411 Gawad galing: pushing frontiers of scientific inquiry. gawad galing Jose Burgos, Jr. biotechnology scientific inquiry environment agriculture journalism science journalism information dissemination media Biotechnology Media and Advocacy Resource Center biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

3287 Gear design and construction for small-scale fisheries?

Vega, M.J.M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15987 Gearing up towards community-based climate change program climate change; community based; disaster risk management; Infanta; Quezon, Philippines

Crisostomo, Ron P.; Lucas, Francis B.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2012 2-3

9550 Gender & Diversity : A Program of CGIAR. gender gender diversity social differences cultural differences agricultural research cd

2334 Gender action plans and gender equality results: Rapid gender assessments of ADB projects - Synthesis report. gender mainstreaming loans human development

Hunt, Juliet; Lateef, Shireen; Thomas, Helen T.
