List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10226 Gender, information technology, and health. globalization information technology gender segregation women micropolitics

Del Prado-Lu, Jinky Leilanie


16606 Gender, power and politics in agriculture: Revisiting theory and practice gender research; agriculture; women's studies; power analysis; intersectionality; power and politics in agriculture; masculine space in agriculture industry; gender expertise in agriculture; patriarchal politics of gender; agriculture research; feminist approach; sustainable development goal; gender equality; women; empowered

Njuki, Jemimah; Tufan, Hale Ann; Polar, Vivian; Campos, Hugo; Morgan-Bell, Monifa (Eds.)


13847 Gender-based indicators of labor and employment in agriculture labor; employment; agriculture; agricultural wage rates; Philippines weblinks

10303 Gender-fair language: a primer. sexism language sexist language sex-role stereotyping pronouns women men gender language culture socialization

Kintanar, T.B. (ed.)


10342 Gender-sensitive and feminist methodologies: a handbook for health and social researchers. feminist research naturalism sexuality sampling designs experimental designs ethnography interviewing empowering counseling participant observation drama-forum community theatre textual analysis policy advocacy stress HIV STD group discussion Gender-sensitive feminist methodologies social researchers

Guerrero, Sylvia H. (ed.)


143 Gender-sensitive planning in rural development: Final Report. gender analysis gender issues gender planning political framework

Engelhardt, Eva


1710 Gene banks and the world's food. gene banks seeds plant collectors biotechnology genetic resources rice germplasm

Plucknett, D. L.; Smith, N.J.H.; Williams, J.T.; Murthi Anishetty, N.


15439 Gene editing and agrifood systems genes; agrifood systems; breeding methods; plant breeding; animal breeding; gene editing; partnerships; governance; regulation weblinks

11467 Gene switching and gurts: what, how and why? biodiversity biotechnology genetic use restriction technologies : GURTs indigenous people genes integrated pest management biosafety risk assessment gene switching genetically modified organisms : GMO biotech pocket k

6880 Gene transformation of mungbean (Vigna radiata). mungbean transformation Vigna radiata agrobacterium mediated gene transfer

Surin Peyachoknagul; Chareerat Phonjun; Pradit Pongtongkam; Paderm Ratisoontorn; Saowanee Suputtitada; Lertlak Ngernsiri

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science