ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10226 | Gender, information technology, and health. | globalization information technology gender segregation women micropolitics | Del Prado-Lu, Jinky Leilanie |
purch |
16606 | Gender, power and politics in agriculture: Revisiting theory and practice | gender research; agriculture; women's studies; power analysis; intersectionality; power and politics in agriculture; masculine space in agriculture industry; gender expertise in agriculture; patriarchal politics of gender; agriculture research; feminist approach; sustainable development goal; gender equality; women; empowered | Njuki, Jemimah; Tufan, Hale Ann; Polar, Vivian; Campos, Hugo; Morgan-Bell, Monifa (Eds.) |
weblinks |
13847 | Gender-based indicators of labor and employment in agriculture | labor; employment; agriculture; agricultural wage rates; Philippines | weblinks |
10303 | Gender-fair language: a primer. | sexism language sexist language sex-role stereotyping pronouns women men gender language culture socialization | Kintanar, T.B. (ed.) |
purch |
10342 | Gender-sensitive and feminist methodologies: a handbook for health and social researchers. | feminist research naturalism sexuality sampling designs experimental designs ethnography interviewing empowering counseling participant observation drama-forum community theatre textual analysis policy advocacy stress HIV STD group discussion Gender-sensitive feminist methodologies social researchers | Guerrero, Sylvia H. (ed.) |
purch |
143 | Gender-sensitive planning in rural development: Final Report. | gender analysis gender issues gender planning political framework | Engelhardt, Eva |
book |
1710 | Gene banks and the world's food. | gene banks seeds plant collectors biotechnology genetic resources rice germplasm | Plucknett, D. L.; Smith, N.J.H.; Williams, J.T.; Murthi Anishetty, N. |
book |
15439 | Gene editing and agrifood systems | genes; agrifood systems; breeding methods; plant breeding; animal breeding; gene editing; partnerships; governance; regulation | weblinks |
11467 | Gene switching and gurts: what, how and why? | biodiversity biotechnology genetic use restriction technologies : GURTs indigenous people genes integrated pest management biosafety risk assessment gene switching genetically modified organisms : GMO | biotech | pocket k |
6880 | Gene transformation of mungbean (Vigna radiata). | mungbean transformation Vigna radiata agrobacterium mediated gene transfer | Surin Peyachoknagul; Chareerat Phonjun; Pradit Pongtongkam; Paderm Ratisoontorn; Saowanee Suputtitada; Lertlak Ngernsiri |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |