List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2137 Gender analysis and forestry - international training package. gender analysis forestry training case studies participatory training programs rapid rural appraisal

Wilde, Vicki L.; Vainio-Mattila, Arja


145 Gender and development in Asia: current status, emerging issues gender economic participation labor force indigenous women poverty migrant women workers trafficking book

10668 Gender and forests: Climate change, tenure, value chains and emerging issues gender climate change tenure value chains gender issues forest management community forestry women's participation forest conservation knowledge sharing migration forest governance agroforestry territory women purch

14400 Gender and ICTs: Mainstreaming gender in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for agriculture and rural development gender; ICT; agriculture; rural development; digital revolution; women empowerment; gender mainstreaming

Treinen, Sophie; Van der Elstraeten, Alice


2633 Gender and poverty - Case study: Barangay Salvacion, Puerto Princesa City - Final report, Volume II. health and nutrition water sanitation shelter peace and order education employment community development participation alcohol dependents mental distress domestic violence control of resources

Reyes, Celia M..; Ilarde, Kenneth C.; Valencia, Lani E.; Mandap, Anne Bernadette E.; Asirot, Jasminda P.; Robielos, Rex Aurelius C.


2631 Gender and poverty: An analysis of gender dimensions of poverty in the Philippines : Final report : Volume 1 - Gender scenario in the Philippines. Volume 1 - Gender scenario in the Philippines. sex differences women men education literacy employment health and nutrition overseas Filipino workers wages violence against women

Reyes, Celia M.; Ilarde, Kenneth C.; Valencia, Lani E.; Mandap, Anne Bernadette E.; Asirot, Jasminda P.; Robielos, Rex Aurelius C.


2528 Gender and technology. gender technology herbal medicine food technology canton noodles squash forest products technology adoption

Ancog, Amelia C.

book pids research paper series no. 2002-07

15725 Gender concerns in the post-production of the selected horticultural crops in the Philippines and Thailand: Issues and perspectives household activities; credit matters; farm produce marketing; horticultural crops; gender; women; gender

Toquero, Zenaida F.; Torres, Rebecca C.


8105 Gender differences: They don't happen here. gender differences, problem-solving,

Aun, Toh K.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

14019 Gender dimension of climate change research in agriculture (Case studies in Southeast Asia) food security; climate change; agriculture; climate-smart agriculture; gender; social inclusion weblinks