ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2137 | Gender analysis and forestry - international training package. | gender analysis forestry training case studies participatory training programs rapid rural appraisal | Wilde, Vicki L.; Vainio-Mattila, Arja |
book |
145 | Gender and development in Asia: current status, emerging issues | gender economic participation labor force indigenous women poverty migrant women workers trafficking | book |
10668 | Gender and forests: Climate change, tenure, value chains and emerging issues | gender climate change tenure value chains gender issues forest management community forestry women's participation forest conservation knowledge sharing migration forest governance agroforestry territory women | purch |
14400 | Gender and ICTs: Mainstreaming gender in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for agriculture and rural development | gender; ICT; agriculture; rural development; digital revolution; women empowerment; gender mainstreaming | Treinen, Sophie; Van der Elstraeten, Alice |
weblinks |
2633 | Gender and poverty - Case study: Barangay Salvacion, Puerto Princesa City - Final report, Volume II. | health and nutrition water sanitation shelter peace and order education employment community development participation alcohol dependents mental distress domestic violence control of resources | Reyes, Celia M..; Ilarde, Kenneth C.; Valencia, Lani E.; Mandap, Anne Bernadette E.; Asirot, Jasminda P.; Robielos, Rex Aurelius C. |
book |
2631 | Gender and poverty: An analysis of gender dimensions of poverty in the Philippines : Final report : Volume 1 - Gender scenario in the Philippines. | Volume 1 - Gender scenario in the Philippines. | sex differences women men education literacy employment health and nutrition overseas Filipino workers wages violence against women | Reyes, Celia M.; Ilarde, Kenneth C.; Valencia, Lani E.; Mandap, Anne Bernadette E.; Asirot, Jasminda P.; Robielos, Rex Aurelius C. |
book |
2528 | Gender and technology. | gender technology herbal medicine food technology canton noodles squash forest products technology adoption | Ancog, Amelia C. |
book | pids research paper series no. 2002-07 |
15725 | Gender concerns in the post-production of the selected horticultural crops in the Philippines and Thailand: Issues and perspectives | household activities; credit matters; farm produce marketing; horticultural crops; gender; women; gender | Toquero, Zenaida F.; Torres, Rebecca C. |
book |
8105 | Gender differences: They don't happen here. | gender differences, problem-solving, | Aun, Toh K. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
14019 | Gender dimension of climate change research in agriculture (Case studies in Southeast Asia) | food security; climate change; agriculture; climate-smart agriculture; gender; social inclusion | weblinks |