ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6561 | Genetic diagnosis of sex and trisomies 13, 18, 21 in human single cell embryo by multiplex fluorescent polymerase chain reaction : (lepidoptera: noctuidae). | (lepidoptera: noctuidae). | aneuploidy multiplex fluorescent PCR PGD | Anna Wongkularb; Budsaba Rerkamnuaychoke; Sawaek Weerakiet; Somphop Navephap; Amara Campiranon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3487 | Genetic differentiation of rice germplasm in Northern Pakistan | Oryza sativa, Genetic resources, Variation, Plant genetics, | Katsuka, M. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
12514 | Genetic differentiation of the broodstocks of black ear catfish (Panggasius larnaudii Bocourt, 1866). | Panggasius larnaudii Black ear catfish broodstocks biology molecular genetic markers population genetics DNA microsatellite banding patterns genetic differentiation | Thipsuda Tangprakhon |
theses |
13785 | Genetic dissection of agronomic traits in introgression lines and improvement of an elite Indica rice variety | rice variety; grain yield; near-isogenic line; plant type; Oryza sativa; quantitative trait locus; plant breeding | Daisuke Fujita; Yohei Koide; Nobuya Kobayashi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
15946 | Genetic dissection of litter-size quantitative trait loci located on murine chromosome 7 | grandparental cross direction; RR/Sgn mice; stillbirth | Suto, Jun-ichi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
16508 | Genetic diversity analysis of Japanese Champa rice on the basis of whole genome sequence data | Champa rice; Japanese red rice; genetic diversity; single nucleotide polymorphisms | Phong Ngoc Hai Trieu |
theses |
6388 | Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow among Stable Fly Populations, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in Thailand. | Stomoxys calcitrans genetics isozyme gene flow Thailand | Krajana Tainchum; Gerard Duvallet; Pongthep Akaratanakul; Theeraphap Chareonviriyaphap |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13075 | Genetic diversity and heterotic grouping of Philippine inbred rice germplasm: Implications to Philippine Hybrid rice breeding | heterosis; genetic diversity; hybrid rice; germplasm; inbred rice breeding; SNP marker analysis; yield; Philippines | Sajise, Edelweiss E. |
theses |
3315 | Genetic diversity and inheritance of photosynthetic capacity of rice Oryza sativa L. detected by oxygen evolution in leaves. | rice, Oryza sativa, genetic inheritance, plant genetics, plant physiology, | Nagamine, T. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4516 | Genetic diversity and selective breeding of red common carps in China. | red common carp, genetic diversity, fishes, selective breeding, | Li S.F. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |