List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13934 Geographical indications at the crossroads of trade, development, and culture: Focus on Asia-Pacific farmers; geography; global economy; trade; culture; marketing; geographical indications; trade agreements; legal protection; rural development; wine industry; economic development; heritage; decentralization; Asia-Pacific book

6521 Geoinformatic public domain system model "SWAT" in Thailand. SWAT soil and water assessment tools geoinformatic system stream flow hydrograph separation and analysis program standard query langguage

Hansa Vathananukij

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16520 Geologic, climatic, and anthropogenic controls on the morphology of the Progo River in Indonesia, and their implications for river management strategies river; morphological changes; river styles framework; climate change projections; farmers; river modeling; anthropogenic; riverbank accretion; river styles; quarrying activities; dam construction; land use; land cover; Progo River; Indonesia

Akhmad Zamroni


7653 Geology and geological structure of potash and rock salt deposits in Chalerm Phrakiat District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province in northeastern Thailand. geological structure, rock salt, carnallite, sylvite, potash,

Parkorn Suwanich

serials the kasetsart journal

8147 Geometry software as a catalyst for change in secondary education. geometry, education,

Oldknow, Adrian

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

10639 Gerald D. Schmidt and Larry S. Roberts' foundations of parasitology. parasite systematics immunology pathology parasitic insects

Roberts, Larry S.; Janovy, John Jr.; Nadler, Steve


12467 Germination and storage of Dyera costulata Hook. F. and Macaranga gigantea Mull. seeds. Dyera costulata Macaranga gigantea germination storage seed propagation growth promoters seedling growth germination media Tetrazolium Test plant growth regulators

Chanthol Sao


3908 Germination, growth and dry matter partitioning in coconut. Coconut, Cocos nucifera, dry matter partitioning, germination, growth parameters, haustorium,

Manjula, C.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4895 Get the most from nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer : Fertilizing, rice plants, fertilizer application,

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture

7296 Get to know gamet, a nutritious, marketable algae. algae gamet seaweeds Porphyra health benefits beta carotene Cagayan

Prudencio, Max

serials agriculture magazine