List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5854 Global climate change initiatives bared. climate change agriculture programs initiatives global warming

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

1123 Global competitiveness and sustainable agricultural and rural development sustainable agriculture

Sajise, Percy E.


11278 Global concerns: genetically modified organisms. biotechnology, global concerns, genetically modified organisms : GMO, transgenic crops, risk assessment, risk management, biosafety, food safety, bioassay, Bt corn,

Herman, M.


3094 Global Conference on Women Agriculture : Synthesis Report. Synthesis Report. women empowerment agriculture issues women's rights rural women book

11182 Global development of genetically modified food plants. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security global market transgenic crops

James, Clive


9486 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme Documentation. strategic framework case studies climate change cd

11300 Global experience with genetically modified crops. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs Bt maize Bt cotton transgenic crops biosafety assessment food security

Escaler, Margarita; Hautea, Randy A.; De Guzman, Panfilo


16170 Global financial and food price crisis: A double shock on ASEAN food security food crisis; food security; global financial crisis; ASEAN

Wana, Chayoot; Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16501 Global forest carbon: Policy, economics and finance forest carbon; policy; forest carbon accounting; assessment; decarbonization; carbon leakage; finance; risk; impact evaluations; climate change

Yin, Runsheng


10884 Global hectarage of GM crops in 2000. genetically modified crops soybean herbicide tolerant

James, Clive

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. i, no. 2, 2001