List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2551 Getting a dial tone: Telecommunications liberalisation in Malayisa and the Philippines. telecommunication privatization deregulation government policy regulatory reforms business Malaysia Philippines

Salazar, Lorraine Carlos


153 Getting agriculture moving agricultural development markets incentives education production credit

Mosher, A.T.


8432 Getting good yields during the wet season. wet season, rainy season,

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

5484 Getting plant genes to glow: New technique emerges from metal absorption studies. heavy metals, plants, nucleotides, alpine pennycress, Thlaspi caerulescens, genes, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

13751 Getting to know Yara's premium crop nutrition solutions fertilizers; crop nutrition; rice; zinc; micronutrients; complete fertilizer

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

11146 Getting to the roots of a vegetarian diet : Vegetarian diets. Vegetarian diets. semi-vegetarian pesco-vegetarian lacto-ovo-vegetarian ovo-vegetarian vegan biotech reprinted from food insight, jul/aug 1994

12868 Giant bamboo project to benefit Manobo tribe in Agusan del Sur Dendrocalamus asper social responsibility program reforestation

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5380 Giant clam conservation in Southeast Asia. Tridacnids, giant clam, trade, mariculture, conservation, restocking, coral reefs,

Licuanan, S.S.M.

serials tropical coasts

1050 Giant clam: a hatchery and nursery culture manual clams aquaculture hatchery nursery spawning larval feeding metamorphosis larval rearing genetics

Braley, Richard D. (ed.)

book aciar monograph no.15

1046 Giant clams in the sustainable development of the South Pacific: Socioeconomic issues in mariculture and conservation clams property rights mariculture market seafarming

Tisdell, C.
