List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11451 Genetic makeover para sa Philippine carabao. clonal embryos biotechnology buffalo somatic cell nuclear transfer enucleated oocytes super buffalo surrogate dame carabaos Dulbeco modified eagles medium : DMEM genetically improved carabaos biotech greenfields magazine

2103 Genetic manipulation in crops : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation in Crops; the 3rd International Symposium on Haploidy; the 1st International Symposium on Somatic Cell Genetics in Crops, Beijing. genetic engineering plant mutation breeding plant propagation haploid somaclonal variation somatic morphogenesis protoplasts molecular biology protoplasts anther culture pollen plant formation gamma radiation embryogenesis book

6672 Genetic potential of exotic germplasm introduced from different latitudes for the improvement of tropical maize (zea mays L.). maize exotic germplasm genetic diversity latitude

Putu Darsana; Krisda Samphantharak; Anek Silapapun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3509 Genetic relatedness among the pathogenic variants in Fusarium oxysporum causing wilts of cucurbits

Namiki, F.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6543 Genetic relationship among bananas in AA, AAB and BB groups using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence related amplified polymorphism :. . . bananas AA group AAB group BB group RAPD technique SRAP technique

Sujitra Phothipan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7588 Genetic relationship of three butterfly lizard species (Leiolepis reevesii rubritaeniata, Leiolepis belliana belliana, Leiolepis boehmei, Agamide : Squamata) inferred from nuclear gene sequence analyses. Squamata) inferred from nuclear gene sequence analyses. butterfly lizard, Leiolepidinae, phylogeny, DNA sequencing, cellular moloney murine sarcoma, molecular sequence analyses,

Kornsorn Srikulnath

serials the kasetsart journal

11023 Genetic research leads to vaccine breakthroughs. genetics salmonella

Radford, Tim

biotech manila bulletin

992 Genetic resources information of native livestock and poultry breeds in Taiwan, Republic of China animal production animal conservation embryo reproductive cells farm animals forages blood characteristics guinea grass napier grass goat cattle goose duck pig alfalfa

Ming-Che Wu; Hsiu-Luan Chang; Chein Tai


702 Genetic resources of tropical and sub-tropical fruits and nuts (excluding Musa) cashew mango longan date palm papaya avocado mangosteen durian guava rambutan tree tomato sapodilla pistacio nut pineapple annona fruits tropical fruits nuts genetic resources book

12786 Genetic structure of Magnaporthe oryzae B.C. Couch populations from farmers' fields and experimental plots in the Philippines. Magnaporthe oryzae avirulence fertility Milagrosa Waray

Lopez, Ana Liza C.
