List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8245 Genetically modified crops: Global and Indian perspective. India, global, agriculture, crops, biosafety,

Chatterjee, Amrita

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11473 Genetically modified food seeds: health, socio-economic, environmental and religious aspects, an Israeli perspective. genetically modified (GM) foods genetically modified organisms : GMO Maimonides Judaism biodiversity monoculture ecosystem genetic modification organic fertilizers genetic engineering labeling outcrossing agriculture terminator genes traitor genes bioethics kitchen garden scheme human health allergenicity gene transfer

Leavitt, Frank J.

biotech asian biotechnology and development review

8034 Genetically modified food seeds: Health, socio-economic, environmental and religious aspects, an Israeli perspective. agriculture, judaism, maimonides, science and religion, spiritual,

Leavitt, Frank J.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

11203 Genetically modified food: alarmingly out of control. biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms : GMOs genetic engineering

Martin, Claude


11186 Genetically modified foods: safety assessment in North America. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety food security gene transfer transgenic crops allergenicity

Neumann, David A.


13566 Genetically modified organisms genetic engineering; genetically modified organisms; bacteria; virus; mammal; fish; insect; plant; crops; potato; rice; soybean; sugar beet; tomato; wheat; agrobacterium; genetics purch

10751 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): issues and concerns. biotechnology transgenic crops genetically modified organisms living modified organisms genetic engineering genes biosafety legislations ecological risks food safety

Ebora, Reynaldo V.

biotech pcarrd summary of proceedings no. 7

8356 Genetically modified PRSV-resistant papayas: A boon for the Philippine papaya industry?. papaya, papaya ringspot virus,

Manuel, Ruperto P.

serials agriculture magazine

11030 Genetically-engineered food, dapat katakutan? biotechnology genetically engineered tissue culture genetic engineering disease resistant food processing

Palmones, Angelo

biotech kabayan

12664 Genetics and breeding of maize (Zea mays L.) for aluminum tolerance in acid soils. aluminum acid soils genetics

P.K. Dewi Hayati
