List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9747 Gliricidia sepium as a Renewable Resource for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development in the Philippines. Coumarin Kakawate botanopesticides antitermite substance biofertilizers cd

9654 Global Database on Invasive Rice Black Bugs (Scotinophara spp.) : Taxonomy, Ecology, and Management. rice black bugs (scotinophara spp.) taxonomy ecology botanical insecticides predatory insects and weeds integrated pest management (ipm) morphology nymphs and parasites wheat and dusts pest control and pesticides

R.C. Joshi; M.A. Florague; E.E. Joshi; A.T. Barrion; L.S. Sebastian


7188 Global adaptation to climate change. climate change adaptation Thailand Bhutan Honduras Tanzania Nigeria Malawi Kenya Germany

Tolentino, Amado S. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

9839 Global agricultural trade and developing countries. trade Developing countries government policy international economic relations agricultural trade flows trade policies global agricultural reform sugar rice dairy wheat groundnut fruits vegetables cotton seafood coffee trade liberalization sustainability market setting processed products decoupling Buenos Aires

Ataman Aksoy, M.; Beghin, J.C. (eds.)


1503 Global aspects of food production food production nutrition germplasm resources water resources humid tropics energy balance desertification insect control nitrogen fertilizer

Swaminathan, M.S.; Sinha, S.K. (eds.)

book natural resources and the environmental series volume 20

4530 Global bioethics and international governance of biotechnology. biotechnology, bioethics, ethical principles, United Nations, developing countries,

Bhardwaj, Minakshi

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8398 Global biotech crop adoption soars. biotechnology, crops,

Abello, Melpha

serials agriculture magazine

11204 Global challenge to modified crop techniques: life science groups face lawsuits biotechnology Monsanto genetically modified organisms : GMOs bioengineering DuPont Novartis biotech

15266 Global citizenship and deliberative democratic education: Focusing on the controversy in political philosophy and the philosophy of education political philosophy; philosophy of education; global citizenship; citizenship education; global justice; national identity; democratic education

Yusuke Hirai

serials journal of southeast asian education

15193 Global citizenship in response to COVID-19: A global health perspective education; global health; COVID-19; GCED

Singhasivanon, Pratap; Tempongko, Ma. Sandra B.

serials journal of southeast asian education