List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5499 Go gently with mango flower inducer. mango, flower inducer, potassium nitrate,

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

13291 Go grow is for beginners home gardening; seeds; vegetables

Icamina, Paul M.

serials agriculture magazine

7014 Goat dairying has great potentials. goats milk production Sansen goats Mitra Line Anglo Nubians

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

11625 Goat grazing effects on a native grassland overseeded with stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis HBK). Goat grazing grassland overseeded stylo Stylosanthes guyanensis Philippines

Ramirez, Domingo M.


986 Goat meat production in Asia : Proceedings of a workshop held in Tando Jam, Pakistan, 13-18 March 1988 goats meat animal production animal breeding reproduction animal nutrition animal health meat processing international trade marketing export agricultural management book

987 Goat production in Asia: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent Improvements in Goat Production in Asia Indonesia Philippines Malaysia Thailand goats animal production feeding systems nutrient requirements semen production animal diseases parasites meat quality carcass

Villar, E.C.; Llemit, N.V. (eds.)

book pcarrd book series no.20

12971 Goat production seen as a sunrise industry goat meat demand goat productivity enhancement artificial insemination delivery system

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

4859 Goat raising guide. Animal husbandry, animal housing : animal diseases, fencing, pasturing, milking, dehorning, castration, hoof trimming, animal breeding : animal health : animal feeding, serials agriculture

4675 Goat upgrading increases farm income. goats, native goats, Anglo Nubian buck, animal husbandry, income, serials agriculture

10425 Goat, sheep and swine husbandry. vaginal insemination heavy metal dairy products sheep milk copper supplementation Haemonchus contortus animal health pigs mastitis sheep parasites sows ewes iron manganese sheep endocrine ovary medroxyprogesterone cytokines gastrointestinal nematode serotypes Escherichia coli ovine enzootic abortion

Henderson, Gayle (ed.)
