List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7935 Good, but not good enough? Research and development needs in organic farming. organic farming, principles,

Rahmann, Gerold

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

13254 Governance of a rice-based community intervention for agriculture and rural development governance; rice; sustainable agriculture; rural development; rice-based community interventions; farmers; socio-economic characteristics; demographic characteristics; community-based development projects; Philippines

Ilar, Glenn Y.


1502 Governance of fishing rights in the Philippines fishing rights policies Philippines

Elazegui, D.D.; Paunlagui, M.M.

book ispps working paper no.98-07

12787 Governance of mining in Palawan, Philippines: Collaborative governance and sustainability. mineral resources mining laws socio-economic impact ecological impact governance

Rama, Sol de Villa B.


16233 Governance, institutional, and pro-poor analysis of cassava contract farming in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam contract farming; impact; farmers; income; livelihood; case studies

Tuan, Nham Phong

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

1215 Governance: Sound development management. governance quality book

16532 Governing literate populations: The political uses of literacy in securing civil society literacy; education

Kelly, Stephen


16533 Governing smart specialization entrepreneurial discovery process; smart specialization; economic specialization

Kyriakou, Dimitrios; Martinez, Manuel Palazuelos; Perianiez-Forte, Inmaculada; Rainoldi, Alessandro (Eds.)


10330 Government accounting and auditing manual. rules and regulations auditing standards accounting internal control system coding systems asset accounts purch

11318 Government agriculturists at the helm of GMO testing. corn MON810 biotechnology bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis GMOs modern biotechnology DNA genetic contamination corn borer food security feed safety polymerase chain reaction : PCR International Seed Testing Association Bureau of Plant Industry : BPI Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) USA Monsanto Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Bureau of Animal Industry : BAI

Paredes, Joel C.

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology