ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7935 | Good, but not good enough? Research and development needs in organic farming. | organic farming, principles, | Rahmann, Gerold |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
13254 | Governance of a rice-based community intervention for agriculture and rural development | governance; rice; sustainable agriculture; rural development; rice-based community interventions; farmers; socio-economic characteristics; demographic characteristics; community-based development projects; Philippines | Ilar, Glenn Y. |
theses |
1502 | Governance of fishing rights in the Philippines | fishing rights policies Philippines | Elazegui, D.D.; Paunlagui, M.M. |
book | ispps working paper no.98-07 |
12787 | Governance of mining in Palawan, Philippines: Collaborative governance and sustainability. | mineral resources mining laws socio-economic impact ecological impact governance | Rama, Sol de Villa B. |
theses |
16233 | Governance, institutional, and pro-poor analysis of cassava contract farming in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam | contract farming; impact; farmers; income; livelihood; case studies | Tuan, Nham Phong |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
1215 | Governance: Sound development management. | governance quality | book |
16532 | Governing literate populations: The political uses of literacy in securing civil society | literacy; education | Kelly, Stephen |
book |
16533 | Governing smart specialization | entrepreneurial discovery process; smart specialization; economic specialization | Kyriakou, Dimitrios; Martinez, Manuel Palazuelos; Perianiez-Forte, Inmaculada; Rainoldi, Alessandro (Eds.) |
book |
10330 | Government accounting and auditing manual. | rules and regulations auditing standards accounting internal control system coding systems asset accounts | purch |
11318 | Government agriculturists at the helm of GMO testing. | corn MON810 biotechnology bt corn Bacillus thuringiensis GMOs modern biotechnology DNA genetic contamination corn borer food security feed safety polymerase chain reaction : PCR International Seed Testing Association Bureau of Plant Industry : BPI Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) USA Monsanto Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards Bureau of Animal Industry : BAI | Paredes, Joel C. |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |