List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13419 Great women project 2 promotes specialty coffee coffee; women; ECHOsi serials agriculture magazine

9655 Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) : Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Agriculture (WGA-4). Mekong subregion agriculture agricultural development poverty reduction Mekong basin trade and investment bioenergy biofuel cd

16553 Green engineering for mangrove cultivation mangrove ecosystems; green engineering; bamboo and coconut fibers; biodegradable materials; DOST-PCAARRD; DMMSU

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

8280 Green fungus found to be effective rice pests control. Green muscardine, fungus, rice bugs, rice black bugs, rice pests, application,

Andres, Reynaldo E.

serials agriculture magazine

16504 Green infrastructure and urban climate resilience: An introduction urban resilience; urban disaster resilience; green buildings; green infrastructure multi-functionality; green infrastructure qualification; sustainable city; sustainable urban planning designs; urban climate change; climate resilience; urbanization

Kumareswaran, Keerththana; Jayasinghe, Guttila Yugantha


2204 Green justice: A compilation of selected Philippine environmental laws. environmental laws presidential decree forestry code wood processing log production and processing reforestation forest protection environmental protection human rights threatened species wildlife resources caves fisheries aquatic resources indigenous people mining protected areas book

2644 Green justice: A handbook on selected Philippine environmental laws, regulations and cases. biodiversity judiciary environmental protection environmental laws forestry fisheries mining indigenous peoples protected areas wildlife book

6903 Green leaf manure of Leucaena leucocephala lam. de wit. and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) steud as complete substitute for N to rice (Oryza sativa L.) in : ... . green leaf manure yield components acid sulphate soil

Mina Nath Paudel

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

820 Green manure production systems for Asian ricelands : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference. green manures production rice fields rainfed farming nutrient management seed production crop establishment Asia

Ladha, J.K.; Garrity, D.P. (eds.)


10572 Green marketing management. green marketing environmental effects consumption sustainable supply cycles pricing constraints energy consumption carbon emissions industrial consumption

Dahistrom, Robert
