List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3292 Growth and sustainability of aquaculture

Pullin, R.S.V.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

12605 Growth and yield models for Eucalyptus species using geospatial technology in Aek Nauli, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Eucalyptus growth and yield models forest plantations geographic information system GAME modeling spatial analysis

Siti Latifah


12285 Growth and yield of intercropped groundnut and maize crop science Growth yields intercropping groundnut maize

Cach Thi Nguyen


11722 Growth and yield of thinned stands and coppices of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehn.) and of intercropped rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Thailand Growth yield Eucalyptus camaldulensis rice Oryza sativa Thailand

Monton Jamroenprucksa


11529 Growth and yield of three soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars under simulated drought conditions. Growth yield soybean Glycine max cultivars drought

Edi Purwanto


3929 Growth and yield performance of four coffee varieties in coconut-based cropping system in an inland-upland area of Davao, Philippines. Coconut, coffee varieties, yield, growth performance, beans, production economics,

Margate, R.Z.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

7647 Growth and yield responses in maize to split and delayed fertilizer applications on sandy soil under high rainfall regimes. maize, fertilizer application, growth, agronomic efficiency, sandy soil, basal fertilizer,

Suphasit Sitthaphanit

serials the kasetsart journal

3639 Growth diagnosis of rice plants by means of leaf color Oryza sativa, Leaves, Colour, Plant physiology - growth and development,

Furuya, S.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4749 Growth inhibitory activity of tea-seed saponins and glyphosate to weed seedlings. agricultural chemicals, emulsifying agent, Panicum crus, Setaria viridis, Trifolium repens, glyphosate,

Katsunori Kohata

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

221 Growth of the food processing industry in Asia and the Pacific Food processing industry market structure trade performance food processing technology Asia book