ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10539 | Guide to PFRS [Philippine Financial Reporting Standards] for SMEs [Small Medium Entities]. | financial reporting financial statements small and medium-sized entities income statement cash flows accounting policies inventories investments property leases liabilities revenue government grants employee benefits foreign currency translation hyperinflation | purch |
421 | Guide to Philippine flora and fauna: Philippine corals. | corals coral reefs preservation conservation | Nemenzo, F. |
book |
1243 | Guide to Philippine flora and fauna: Philippine Dipterocarps. | dipterocarps genera species | De Guzman, E.; Umali, R.M.; Sotalbo, E.D. |
book |
13998 | Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Southeast Asia | invasive plants; aquatics; grasses; climbers; herbs; shrubs; succulents; trees; identification; impacts; chemical control; physical control; cultural control; control methods; biological control | Witt, Arne |
book |
2680 | Guidebook for environmental and natural resources accounting: methods and procedures. | environmental waste disposal services, nature services, valuation methods, economic depreciation, natural resources, forest resources, mineral resources, fishery resources, soils resources, | book |
1956 | Guidebook for genetic resources documentation. | genebanks documentation systems information processing data generation data recording computers databases designing forms | Painting, K.A.; Perry, M.C.; Denning, R.A.; Ayad, W.G. |
book |
491 | Guidebook for the development and production of the regional agroforestry technology information kit | book |
2480 | Guidebook of biodiversity principles for developers and planners. | forestry, wetlands, coastal areas, marine areas, farmlands, protected areas, agricultural areas, rural and urban areas, biosafety, genetically modified organizations, | book |
2187 | Guidebook on environmental management system, pollution prevention / cleaner production and environmental cost accounting. | environmental management system pollution prevention environmental cost accounting planning policy monitoring emergency preparedness cleaner production waste assessment profitability assessment | book |
1472 | Guidebook on sustainable agricultural land use planning and management, Volume 4 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | land use planning agriculture agricultural lands land tenure soil conservation maps soil requirements climatic requirements land classification Philippines | book | sustainable development series |