ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1495 | Guidebook on sustainable coastal land use planning and management, Volume 2 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | land use planning coastal zone planning coastal municipalities Philippines | book | sustainable development series |
1474 | Guidebook on sustainable forest land use planning and management, Volume 3 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. | land use planning forest policies soil conservation planning information gathering watershed protected areas watershed forest reserves ancestral domain claims ancestral land claims | book | sustainable development series |
939 | Guidebook on the phenology and identification of Philippine mangrove species | Philippines species mangrove climatic map scientific names | Palis, Honorato, G.; Lat, Celia A.; Alcantara, Bernadette S. |
book |
1321 | Guidelines for applying multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators. | forest management data collection indicators | Mendoza, Guillermo A.; et al. |
book | 9 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series |
3018 | Guidelines for climate proofing investment in agriculture, rural development, and food security. | climate change adaptation; agriculture; climate proofing; rural development; food security; vulnerability; adaptation assessment; monitoring and evaluation; impact assessment; policies | book |
3100 | Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the energy sector. | energy sector adaptation engineering energy investment projects policy implications national policy policies | book |
3019 | Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the transport sector : Road infrastructure projects. | climate change; climate proofing; transport infrastructure; road transport infrastructure; vulnerability; impact assessment | book |
1404 | Guidelines for conducting extended cost-benefit analysis of dam projects in Thailand. | dams dam construction economic valuations | Piyaluk Chutubtim |
book | eepsea research reports 2001-rr16 |
6021 | Guidelines for cultivating jatropha. | jatropha cultivation seedlings ICRISAT | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1315 | Guidelines for developing, testing and selecting criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management : A C&I developer's reference. | A C&I developer's reference. | sustainability forest management evaluation methods | Prabhu, Ravi; Colfer, Carol J.P.; Dudley, Richard G. |
book | 1 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series |