ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13950 | Green methods in goat breeding, sustainable production | goat breeding; green method | Sanchez, Carlito B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9914 | Green miniatlas. | forests biodiversity energy transport emissions water sanitation water pollution carbon dioxide electricity fuels protected areas birds mammals deforestation irrigation fertilizers agriculture | purch |
15411 | Green productivity and circular economy: Complementary approaches to sustainable development | green productivity; circular economy; initiatives; policies | Chun-Hsu Lin (volume editor) |
weblinks |
11002 | Green revolutionary looks ahead. | green revolution transgenic technology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt engineered crops | biotech | philippine star |
14664 | Green therapy: Gardening as healing for millennial with bipolar disorder | gardening; bipolar disorder; therapy | Victoriano, Rica Anne D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10650 | Green works: The viability of organic farming in the Philippines. | organic farming consumers Green Revolution AFMA WTO intellectual property rights genetically modified organisms biofuels organic farms fertilizer producers | purch |
11796 | Green-house and field evaluation of indigenous phosphate rocks in an ultisol: effect of application rate and | field evaluation indigenous phosphate rocks ultisol Chromolaena odorata yields rice corn | Castillo, Edgardo H. |
theses |
16687 | Greenhouse gas accounting for sustainable land management: Quick guidance for users | greenhouse gas emissions; climate change; soil fertility; carbon footprint; land use; sustainable land management; deforestation; GHG calculators | Toudert, Anass; Braimoh, Ademola; Bernoux, Martial; St-Louis, Maylina; Abdelmagied, Manar; Bockel, Louis; Ignaciuk, Adriana; Zhao, Yuxuan |
weblinks |
16360 | Greenhouse gas emission calculations for the Livestock Master Plan in Tanzania: Evaluating the baseline of cattle systems | greenhouse gases; baseline studies; cattle | González-Quintero, Ricardo; Mwema, Emmanuel; Notenbaert, An Maria Omer |
weblinks |
2678 | Greenhouse gas emissions: Estimation and reduction. | greenhouse gas emissions carbon dioxide climate change | Saxena, Anil Kumar |
book |