ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10962 | GM crops and the environment | genetically modified : GM pesticides herbicide tolerance insect resistance biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biodiversity risk assessment | biotech | pocket k |
3724 | GM foods are safe - DOH. | Genetically modified goods, BFAD, | serials | agriculture |
15425 | GM maize in the Philippines – a success story | modern agricultural biotechnology; regulatory system; GM crop; GM maize; economic impacts; insect resistance management; Philippines | Custodio, Carlo G. Jr.; Lee, Virma Rea G.; Villena, Maria Monina Cecilia |
weblinks |
10809 | GM rice : Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. | Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. | biotechnology transgenic crops food security intellectual property rights rice production | Brookes, Graham; Barfoot, Peter |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 28 |
1764 | GM rice: Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology. | rice trade consumption production prices biotechnology demand genetically modified WTO | Brookes, G.; Barfoot, P. |
book | isaaa briefs no. 28 |
4959 | Gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.). | serials | asean biodiversity |
5439 | Gmelina, a truly amazing tree. | trees, Gmelina, | Emnas, J. |
serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
10979 | GMOs around the world. | genetically modified : GM biotechnology animal feed Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt soyaben transgenic plant cotton pesticides | biotech | organic matters |
3722 | GMOs safe for farm livestock. | Genetically modified crops, livestock, feeds, | serials | agriculture |
14557 | GNSS receivers for weak signals | GNSS principles; weak signal processing; signal models; signal acquisition; fine acquisition; synchronization; data detection; code and carrier tracking; navigation message decoding | Ziedan, Nesreen I. |
book |