List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10962 GM crops and the environment genetically modified : GM pesticides herbicide tolerance insect resistance biotechnology Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biodiversity risk assessment biotech pocket k

3724 GM foods are safe - DOH. Genetically modified goods, BFAD, serials agriculture

15425 GM maize in the Philippines – a success story modern agricultural biotechnology; regulatory system; GM crop; GM maize; economic impacts; insect resistance management; Philippines

Custodio, Carlo G. Jr.; Lee, Virma Rea G.; Villena, Maria Monina Cecilia


10809 GM rice : Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology?. biotechnology transgenic crops food security intellectual property rights rice production

Brookes, Graham; Barfoot, Peter

biotech isaaa briefs no. 28

1764 GM rice: Will this lead the way for global acceptance of GM crop technology. rice trade consumption production prices biotechnology demand genetically modified WTO

Brookes, G.; Barfoot, P.

book isaaa briefs no. 28

4959 Gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.). serials asean biodiversity

5439 Gmelina, a truly amazing tree. trees, Gmelina,

Emnas, J.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

10979 GMOs around the world. genetically modified : GM biotechnology animal feed Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt soyaben transgenic plant cotton pesticides biotech organic matters

3722 GMOs safe for farm livestock. Genetically modified crops, livestock, feeds, serials agriculture

14557 GNSS receivers for weak signals GNSS principles; weak signal processing; signal models; signal acquisition; fine acquisition; synchronization; data detection; code and carrier tracking; navigation message decoding

Ziedan, Nesreen I.
