List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10221 Fundamental concepts and methods in statistics (Part 1). statistics central tendency frequency distributions standard deviation sampling techniques tests of hypotheses Chi-Square Test ANOVA linear regression correlation analysis

Garcia, George A.


10219 Fundamental concepts and methods in statistics (Part 2). statistics probabilities central tendency statistical estimation theory time series analysis tests of hypotheses analysis of variance linear regression non-parametric tests

Garcia, George A.


7573 Fundamental properties of cereal and legume based extruded snack foods fortified with by-products from herbs and vegetables. cereal-legume snack herbs vegetable by-products functional properties extrusion antioxidant capacity phenolic content

Nipat Limsangouan; Makiko Takenaka; Itaru Sotome; Kazuko Nanayama; Chulaluck Charunuch; Seiichiro Isobe

serials the kasetsart journal

11815 Fundamental studies on the field stripping system of oil palm fruitlets. machinery engineering stripping system oil palm fruitlets

Hadi Suryanto


912 Fundamentals of applied entomology insect structure growth insect control insecticide application chemical control insect pests

Pfadt, Robert E.


10521 Fundamentals of collection development and management. collection development collection management libraries collection analysis scholarly communication staffing budget outreach activities

Johnson, Peggy


10643 Fundamentals of financial management. financial assets interest rates bonds stocks capital budgeting dividend structure risk management cash conversion

Brigham, Eugene; Houston, Joel F.


1360 Fundamentals of food engineering. food engineering filtration centrifugation freezing thawing

Charm, Stanley E.


11180 Fundamentals of genetic modification. biotechnology genetically engineered crops genetics DNA antisense technology Bt

Supat Attathom


10113 Fundamentals of nutrition: A laboratory manual. nutrition calories carbohydrates fats proteins vitamins minerals body fluids dietary guides

Panlasigui, Leonora N.; Tiangson-Bayaga, Cecile Leah P.
