List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9402 From construction to dragon fruit farming in Taiwan. dragon fruit farm Xinke Dragon Farm

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

16650 From crisis to success – The Balangon banana – the sweet green saging from Negros – is a story of resilience that inspires farmers banana; Bulungan; market; trade; Balangon; Philippines serials agriculture magazine

1897 From cultivators to consumers: Participatory research with various user groups participatory research potato participatory methodologies data management traders marketing systems disease management livelihood potato chips industry farmer field school book

14650 From curiosity to advocacy: How an urban gardener grows her own food and encourages everyone to do the same urban gardens; banana peels; organic fertilizer

Victoriano, Rica Anne D.

serials agriculture magazine

1821 From data to action: Information systems in educational planning. information education information technology information gathering national assessment instructional practices incentive system teachers

Chapman, D.W.; Mahlck, L.O. (eds.)


2922 From dependency to sustainability: building capacity for economic development : A case study on Ok Tedi Mine-area community economic capacity development. mine capacity development Papua New Guinea

Siop, Paulina


8088 From doing to understanding: An assessment os Malaysian primary pupils number sense with respect to multiplication and division. malaysian pupils multiplication division

Ghazali, Munirah; Idros, Sharifah N.; McIntosh, Alistair

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4788 From drawing board to dining table: The success story of the GIFT project. Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus genetic improvement selective breeding

Gupta, M.V.; Acosta, B.O.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8494 From durian farm to tourist destination. durian

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

13862 From evidence to policy - Celebrating 40 years of policy research policy research; history; research dissemination; regionalization; PIDS book