List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16531 Fungible life: Experiment in the Asian city of life biotechnology; genes; Asian diseases; bioethics; viruses

Ong, Aihwa


4295 Fungus set to fight insect pests. Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, bioinsecticide, whiteflies, biocontrol agents, serials agriculture

11206 Furor over "frankenfood". biotechnology biosafety genetically engineered foods biotech

12031 Further assessment of rice yield loss due to bacterial leaf blight plant pathology rice yield bacterial leaf blight

Sawatdee Liangsuthisakon


8830 Further studies on the protein chemistry and property of Glutathione-added rice bread: Evidence of glutathionylation of batter protein as well as. glutathione, food, disulfide, gluten-free,

Hiroyuki Yano

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

16356 Fusarium wilt of banana - Training manual bananas; pest control; capacity development; disease control-disease control methods; training materials; soil quality-soil health; sustainability assessment; fusarium wilt, banana, plantain, training manual

Blomme, Guy; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Ocimati, Walter; Dita, Miguel


5771 Fusarium wilt. fusarium wilt fungus symptoms control

Relevante, Cherry A.

serials agriculture magazine

5880 Fusarium wilt: A renewed threat in banana production. Fusarium wilt fungal disease plant diseases banana symptoms disease control

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

1942 Fusion: Papers read at FUSE assemblies, Volume 3. education curriculum literacy information technology mass media human resource development nonformal education English Philippines book

13662 Future carbon fund: Delivering co-benefits for sustainable development clean development mechanism; sustainable development; mitigation; Paris Agreement book