ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10485 | Fundamentals of planning and developing tourism. | tourism development planning sustainable tourism surveying project design project financing marketing computer mapping electronic processing investing case studies | Kastarlak, Bulent I.; Barber, Brian |
purch |
887 | Fundamentals of plant pathology | theory plant pathology pathogens morphological symptoms nematodes plant diseases | Roberts, D.A.; Boothroyd, C.W. |
book |
14297 | Fundamentals of weed science | weeds; classification; uses; ethnobotany; seed production; dispersal; ecology; population genetics; invasive plants; allelopathy; weed management; organic agriculture; biological weed control; chemical weed control; herbicides; genetic modification; herbicide resistance; pesticide legislation; pesticide registration; biotechnology | Zimdahl, Robert L. |
purch |
13567 | Fundamentals of weed science | weeds; Abrus precatorius; Bromus tectorum; Digitaria ciliaris; Juncus effusus; Hedera helix; beneficial weeds; invasive species; Chrysanthemoides monilifera; Heracleum mantegazzianum; Impatiens glandulifera; Fallopia japonica; Pilosella aurantiaca; Echium plantagineum; Asparagus asparagoides; Toxicondedron radicans; Plantago major; Silybum marianum; Trifolium repens; species; plants; weed control; soil steam sterilization; soil solarization; seed bed; bioherbicide; regeneration | purch |
1953 | Fungal diseases of forest tree seeds and control measures: A guidebook. | forest tree seeds fungal diseases disease control morphological structure | Dayan, Maria dP. |
book | denr recommends 13 |
8708 | Fungal foam tested against avocado threat. | fungus avocado Raffaelea lauricola | Suszkiw, Jan |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3951 | Fungal population, aflatoxin and free fatty acid contents of peanuts packed in different bag types. | peanuts bag types fungal population aflatoxin content free fatty acid | Bulaong, S.S.P.; Dharmaputra, O.S. |
serials | biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology |
4652 | Fungi and bacteria are beneficial, too. | bacteria fungi lectin uses | serials | agriculture |
885 | Fungi and mycotoxins in stored products | fungi mycotoxins store products microflora toxins | Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Hocking, A.D.; Pitt, J.I. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.36 |
8854 | Fungi isolated from spoiled bean sprouts in Japan. | fungi spoiled bean bean sprouts mung bean soybean | Toyozo Sato; Mutsuo Aoki; Takayuki Aoki; Masaharu Kubota; Takashi Yaguchi; Shihomi Uzuhashi; Keisuke Tomioka |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |