ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
372 | Making education work, Book 3: Consultative Reports, Vol. 2 - What the experts say: Sectoral consultations | pre-school education elementary education secondary education media non-formal education graduate education teachers state universities | book |
2320 | Making environmental law in Asia more effective: Participants' report of a regional workshop, Hong Kong, March 4-8, 1996. | environmental law environmental impact assessment | Barron, William; Cottrell, Jill (eds.) |
book |
15608 | Making farmers better decision-makers through the farmer field schools | farmer field school; agricultural productivity; pest management; rice production | Rola, Agnes C.; Provido, Zenaida S.; Olanday, Manuel O.; Paraguas, F.J.; Sirue, A.S.; Espadon, M.A.; Hupeda, S.P. |
book |
11376 | Making farming profitable : Occidental Mindoro opens its door to biotechnology. | Occidental Mindoro rice production food security National Food Authority (NFA) modern biotechnology Bt corn biosafety agricultural products high-value crops poverty alleviation food and nutrition livelihood evil product environment human health genetically modified organisms : GMOs BIONet Mindoro "Bangus" biodiversity | Mayuga, Jonathan L. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
13626 | Making globalization work better for the poor through contract farming | contract farming; inclusive growth; global agrifood value chain; agribusiness; poverty reduction; rice; standards; agricultural trade; food safety; information and communication; supply chain management; banana; Thailand; Lao PDR; Cambodia; Japan; Asian | book |
4689 | Making good in the gamefowl business. | gamefowl, animal breeding, business, | Dugeno, M.S. |
serials | agriculture |
15367 | Making Indonesian vocational school students future work-ready: an online capacity-building training for teachers | work-ready, teacher capacity building, future skills | Dewi, F.; Jati, A.G. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
6205 | Making it big in calamansi juice processing. | calamansi juice production market | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2954 | Making mangrove eco-museums. | mangroves ecosystem aquaculture coastal waters water culture wetland conservation Ha Long Bay | SEAMEO SPAFA |
book |
12859 | Making megaton eggplant yields possible | eggplants fertilizer Megatonic | serials | agriculture magazine |