List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10436 Making monitoring and evaluation systems work: A capacity development toolkit. government productivity performance standards total quality management public administration monitoring and evaluation toolkit data auditing human capacity databases

Gorgens, Marelize; Kusek, Jody Zall


4230 Making more money from rice. rice, delicacies, food products,

Zagado, R.G.

serials agriculture

5903 Making old mulberry trees productive again. mulberry tree Morus alba pruning ground-level pruning

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

7215 Making rice farming profitable could be the winning strategy. rice varieties income Thailand

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

264 Making rural credit work: emerging lessons from the local resource management project Philippines credit scheme credit policy lending programs livelihood programs Antique Catanduanes Leyte

Llanto, Gilberto M.; Dingcong, Clarence G.; Banaag, Raquel A.; Casuga, Magdalena S.


14754 Making sense of blockchain in food supply-chains value chain; trust-less platform; Q-methodology; precision food systems;

Croxson, Andrew; Sharma, Ravi; Wingreen, Stephen


3005 Making sense of climate finance: Linking public finance and national climate change policy in the Asia-Pacific region. climate change; finance; mitigation; adaptation; policy; public expenditure

Miller, Mark


7760 Making soil conditioners for urban gardening. soil conditioner, vegetables, herbs, urban gardening, effective microorganisms, indigenous microorganism,

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

16384 Making straw mushroom competitive straw mushroom; mushroom growing; spawn; technology; postharvest; processing serials agriculture magazine

14690 Making the agriculture sector work for youth: A tool to promote young men and women's engagement in growing root, tuber and banana crops youth; agriculture; participation

Mudege, N.N.; Mbiri, D.; Mdege, N.
