List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7126 Malunggay: The miracle vegetable. malunggay nutrients immune system protein medicinal properties planting

Planco, Nenita C.

serials agriculture magazine

13689 Malvar's jack(fruit) of all trades jackfruit; recipes; food products; food safety; Malvar

Hernandez, John Maico

serials agriculture magazine

13895 Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro: Emerging as the new tuna capital of the Philippines tuna; yellow fin tuna; fish; tuna industry; Mamburao

Urlanda, Randy V.

serials agriculture magazine

5107 Mammalian fauna of Mt. Malasimbo, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Mindoro Island, Philippines. mammal fauna, primary forest, quarry site, second growth vegetation, agroforestry, endemic species, Mt. Malasimbo, Philippines, animals,

Ocampo, C.C.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

10087 Management accounting: concepts and applications. accounting financial statements cash flow analysis budgeting decision making decentralized operation total quality management marketing business plan transfer price productivity standard costs reengineering

Cabrera, Elenita B.


7312 Management and control of squash / pumpkin diseases. squash pumpkin plant diseases disease control serials agriculture magazine

10100 Management and efficiency in education: Goals and strategies. education management level of education teachers decentralization privatization Secondary education Primary education vocational education higher education gender diversity education administrators incentives professional development training international assistance information technology

Chapman, David

purch education in developing asia, vol.2

3794 Management and operation of selected agricultural cooperatives in the province of Batangas: An analysis. agricultural cooperatives, cooperative management,

Bragas, Abelardo R.

serials araneta research journal

3959 Management and utilization of urban solid waste waste materials, waste management, waste reduction, incineration, recycling, composting, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

10480 Management and welfare of farm animals: The UFAW farm handbook. livestock husbandry animal welfare dairy cattle beef cattle sheep pigs hens broiler chickens goats deer horses donkeys fish camelids turkeys ducks game birds ostrich animal welfare

Webster, John (ed.)
