List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9085 Managing insect pests in organic vegetable production. insects, organic vegetables, earwig, Euborellia annulata, Bacillus thuringiensis, Beaveria bassiana, Bacillus thuringiensis,

Javier, Pio A.

serials agriculture magazine

10942 Managing intellectual property in Embrapa : A question of policy and a change of heart. agricultural research intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology capacity building policies Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation : EMBRAPA Brazil

Sampaio, Maria Jose Amstalden; Brito da Cunha, Elza A.B.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

8806 Managing international labor migration in ASEAN: Thailand (Immigration). labor migration, Thailand, migrant workers,

Srawooth Paitoonpong

serials philippine journal of development

8803 Managing international labor migration: The Philippine experience. labor migration, migrant,

Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.

serials philippine journal of development

1055 Managing international technology transfer: A strategic approach for developing countries technology transfer industrial development technical change innovation analysis investment policies planning foreign investment

Hoffman, Kurt; Girvan, Norman


306 Managing large systems: organizations for the future organizations planning functions technologies self-enforcing system planning integration motivating systems

Sayles, L.R.; Chandler, M.K.


16299 Managing microfinance risks: Some observations and suggestions microfinance; risk; agricultural microfinance

Fernando, Nimal A.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16094 Managing mine spoil through bioremediation efforts mining; bioremediation; Philippines; policy brief

Parao, Marissa

serials searca policy brief series 2012-3

5375 Managing natural assets for sustained benefits: The Great Barrier Reef experience. marine park, tourism, fisheries, water quality, conservation, Great Barrier Reef, Australia,

Kenchington, R.

serials tropical coasts

1617 Managing natural resources locally : An overview of innovations and ten initial steps for local governments. An overview of innovations and ten initial steps for local governments. Natural resource management government

Queblatin, Eduardo E.; Catacutan, Delia C.; Garrity, Dennis P.
