List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2185 Manila street children : A closer look on their vulnerability and strength. street children risks education discipline

Bacos, Felicitas F.; Ramirez, Ma. Anna Rita M.; Dungo, Nanette G.


4928 Manilan goes farming in Bukidnon. Livestock raising : Management of agricultural enterprises, hog raising, waste disposal, vegetable growing,

Rodriguez, Tony

serials agriculture

16367 Manlilikha ng bayan: Teaching modules on the works of our national living treasures traditional arts; folk crafts; heritage; literature; music; speech; graphic design; advertising; smithing; weaving; farming; hat making; Philippines book

5478 Mannan oligosaccharide: Tried and proven natural alternative for antibiotic growth promoters. antibiotics, Bio-Mos, phosphorylated mannan oligosaccharide, feed supplement, bacteria, benefits, farm animals, dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine,

Sison, J.A.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

8486 Manobos take sago flour to higher level. sago palms, flour, tapioca,

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

162 Manpower policy agenda for appropriate agricultural mechanization manpower development agricultural mechanization investments education technology transfer

Cruz, Felisa P.L.

book rtpap working paper series no.90-04

748 Manual for hybrid rice seed production Oryza sativa seed formation seed hybrid isolation techniques seed production yield transplanting seedlings seed drying harvesting roguing threshing

Virmani, S.S.; Sharma, H.L.


764 Manual for performance trials of forage and pasture crops Philippines forage crop pasture crop legumes grasses on-farm trial ecological test book pcarrd book series no. 112

2495 Manual for testing insecticides on rice. rice insecticide insect control insect damage fumigation spraying foliar spray broadcast application

Heinrichs, E.A.; Chelliah, S.; Valencia, S.L.; Arceo, M.B.; Fabellar, L.T.; Aquino, G.B.; Pickin, S.


14263 Manual in GIS mapping using Manifold GIS mapping book