List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8289 Mariculture parks are making waves. mariculture parks, fish cages,

Guerrero, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

13415 Mariculture parks: A model for productive and sustainable aquaculture aquaculture; mariculture; bamboo cages

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

10241 MARID agribusiness technology guide: A primer on coffee production. coffee varieties propagation seedlings asexual propagation transplanting fertilizer application pruning harvesting pest and disease control coffee processing pulping fermentation drying grading storage marketing trade supply purch

10244 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Backyard vegetable gardening. backyard garden vegetables root crops radishes beets onions cabbage pechay spinach alugbati ampalaya peas eggplant cucumber beans squash market purch

10230 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Biogas, an old idea whose time has come. biogas anaerobic digestion process digesters operation and maintenance purch

10245 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Broiler production and business guide. broiler chicken inventory meat consumption supply export import animal housing ventilation vaccination pests and diseases purch

10235 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Cattle production. cattle raising animal feeding roughage silage animal housing castrating animal diseases parasitic diseases anthrax poisoning marketing purch

10240 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Citrus fruits and calamondin production. citrus fruits propagation fertilizer application harvesting calamansi disease control harvesting calamansi syrup calamansi preserve purch

10248 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Coconut, still the tree of life. coconut products byproducts varieties plant diseases fertilizer application bioorganic fertilizer intercropping plant pests coffee corn banana yemane vegetables purch

10236 MARID agribusiness technology guide: Duck meat and egg production. duck production breeds animal housing litter management lighting mating hatching eggs ducklings animal nutrition vaccination disease prevention animal diseases marketing purch