List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16261 Market integration and price causality in the Myanmar rice market rice market; market integration; price causality model; price series; real rice price series; consumer price index; Myanmar

Myint, Theingi; Bauer, Siegfried

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

13059 Market structure, conduct and performance of the banana industry in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam marketing system credit access disease-resistant varieties VietGap method grower association market analysis product procurement

Vu Thi Hai


16663 Marketability of nano-fertilizers among local farmers nano-fertilizer; product; place; price; promotion

Villagomeza, Jona D.; Tuala, Jasper Tadeo I.; Villanueva, Mima M.; Eslabon, Rey T.

weblinks international multidisciplinary journal of research for innovation, sustainability, and excellence (imjrise)

237 Marketing and storage of pulses in Bangladesh Bangladesh marketing pulses storage

Firose Shah Sikder; Elias, S.M.

book cgprt no.12

1203 Marketing farm products in Asia and the Pacific. marketing food distribution cooperative marketing cooperatives marketing policy book

9309 Marketing in Maranding, Lanao del Norte. longganisas, latundan banana, home gardening, hydroponics, calamansi growers,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13078 Marketing leadership in hospitality: Foundations and practices hospitality industry; marketing; communications; advertising; sales; promotions

Lewis, Robert C.; Chambers, Richard E.


12472 Marketing margin analysis of Arabica coffee in East Timor. marketing channel Arabica coffee product channeling price Timor Leste margin

Da Cruz, Guilhermino


12801 Marketing of maize in Ratanak Mondul district, Battambang province, Cambodia. maize marketing market chain analysis marketing margin producers traders

Huot Long


1549 Marketing of vegetables and fruits in Asia and the Pacific Fiji Indonesia Iran Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam vegetables fruits marketing horticultural products export postharvest technology book