ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9518 | Manual of Forest Fruits, Seeds and Seedlings Version 1.0. | forest fruits seeds seedlings | cd |
3126 | Manual of good practices in small scale irrigation in the Sahel. | small-scale irrigation infrastructure processing marketing | Dieter Nill; Godihald Mushinzimana |
book |
869 | Manual of ricefield weeds in the Philippines | taxa weeds families scietific names | Pancho, J.V.; Obein, S.R. |
book |
2615 | Manual of seed handling in genebanks. | germplasm acquisition germplasm registration seed cleaning seed moisture content seed drying quality testing packaging storage germplasm distribution germplasm monitoring | Rao, N. Kameswara; Hanson, Jean; Dulloo, M. Ehsan; Ghosh, Kakoli; Nowell, David; Larinde, Michael |
book | handbooks for genebanks no. 8 |
13079 | Manual on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) | horticultural production system; farm management; food safety; environmental conservation; quality management systems; safety hazards; soil management; plant protection products; fertilizer application; pest management; integrated pest management; integrated crop management; risk assessment | Kit Chan |
book |
14152 | Manual on good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines for mussel depuration | food law; food safety; hygiene; mussel; bacterial decontamination; depuration facility; | book | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 98/2018 |
9680 | Manual on Supply Chain Management for Agribusiness SMES. | sustainable agriculture biotechnology agrotourism precision farming food quality and safety management agribusiness management and supply chain management small and medium enterprises (SME) | cd |
2886 | Manual on vulnerability assessment of watersheds. | watersheds climate change hazards landslides soil erosion forest fire deforestation water pollution biodiversity loss assessment | Daño, Antonio M.; Baltazar, Eliseo M. (eds.) |
book |
1800 | Manual on watershed instrumentation and measurements. | rain gages watershed rainfall hydrograph water quality sediment thermograph anemometer atmometer psychrometer | Ffolliott, P.F. |
book |
8943 | Manure fertilizer contributes to resistant bacteria. | bacteria, manure, fertilizers, antibiotics, dairy cows, | Sison, Jaime A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |