List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7220 Managing necrotic enteritis in broilers with natural direct-fed microbial. necrotic enteritis chickens broilers symptoms Clostridium perfringens Bacillus subtilis

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

11226 Managing opportunities and constraints in international collaboration: the case of the Oil plants Institute. biotechnology tissue culture coconut production biosafety bio-agronomy processing technology Oil Plants Institute : OPI intellectual property

Ngo Thi Lam Giang


13970 Managing our "curacha" fishery spanner crab; Ranina ranina

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

6117 Managing possible nutrient losses in your field. fertilizers nutrient loss soil erosion leaching volatilization losses weed competition biological nitrogen fixation

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

10943 Managing proprietary science and institutional inventories for agricultural biotechnology. national agricultural research organizations : NAROs intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research : CGIAR International Service for National Agricultural Research : ISNAR

Cohen, Joel I.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11228 Managing proprietary science and institutional inventories for agricultural biotechnology. agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights

Cohen, Joel I.


16505 Managing protected areas: People and places protected areas; Global Biodiversity Framework; heritage landscapes; environmental management; environmental policy; conservation; national parks; adaptive management; natural environments; green and blue spaces; pandemic; COVID 19; tourism; visitor management; climate change

Finneran, Niall; Hewlett, Denise; Clarke, Richard (Eds.)


14222 Managing purse seine fisheries in the Southeast Asian Region: A joint effort among ASEAN member states purse seine fisheries; Southeast Asia

Mohammad Faisal Md. Saleh; Wahidah Mohd Arshaad; Raja Bidin Raja Hassan; Noorul Azliana Jamaludin; Nurul Nadwa Abdul Fatah

serials fish for the people

8510 Managing rice-based crop pests with fewer chemical pesticides. pesticides, rice, crops,

Biag, HHM M.

serials agriculture magazine

11240 Managing soil fertility in Northern Philippines through indigenous strategies. soil fertility indigenous plants organic fertilizers paddy fields sunflower : Tithonia diversiflora Chromolaena odorata upland

Magcale-Macandog, D.B.; Ocampo, L.J.M.

biotech soil fertility matters