ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7220 | Managing necrotic enteritis in broilers with natural direct-fed microbial. | necrotic enteritis chickens broilers symptoms Clostridium perfringens Bacillus subtilis | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11226 | Managing opportunities and constraints in international collaboration: the case of the Oil plants Institute. | biotechnology tissue culture coconut production biosafety bio-agronomy processing technology Oil Plants Institute : OPI intellectual property | Ngo Thi Lam Giang |
biotech |
13970 | Managing our "curacha" fishery | spanner crab; Ranina ranina | Guerrero III, Rafael D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6117 | Managing possible nutrient losses in your field. | fertilizers nutrient loss soil erosion leaching volatilization losses weed competition biological nitrogen fixation | Nieves, Allan C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10943 | Managing proprietary science and institutional inventories for agricultural biotechnology. | national agricultural research organizations : NAROs intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research : CGIAR International Service for National Agricultural Research : ISNAR | Cohen, Joel I. |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11228 | Managing proprietary science and institutional inventories for agricultural biotechnology. | agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights | Cohen, Joel I. |
biotech |
16505 | Managing protected areas: People and places | protected areas; Global Biodiversity Framework; heritage landscapes; environmental management; environmental policy; conservation; national parks; adaptive management; natural environments; green and blue spaces; pandemic; COVID 19; tourism; visitor management; climate change | Finneran, Niall; Hewlett, Denise; Clarke, Richard (Eds.) |
purch |
14222 | Managing purse seine fisheries in the Southeast Asian Region: A joint effort among ASEAN member states | purse seine fisheries; Southeast Asia | Mohammad Faisal Md. Saleh; Wahidah Mohd Arshaad; Raja Bidin Raja Hassan; Noorul Azliana Jamaludin; Nurul Nadwa Abdul Fatah |
serials | fish for the people |
8510 | Managing rice-based crop pests with fewer chemical pesticides. | pesticides, rice, crops, | Biag, HHM M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11240 | Managing soil fertility in Northern Philippines through indigenous strategies. | soil fertility indigenous plants organic fertilizers paddy fields sunflower : Tithonia diversiflora Chromolaena odorata upland | Magcale-Macandog, D.B.; Ocampo, L.J.M. |
biotech | soil fertility matters |