ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10243 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Poultry and livestock raising the organic way. | poultry livestock farming systems organic agriculture local producers feed and nutrition additives soil management breeding health care parasite control sanitation marketing | purch |
10232 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Profitable corn production. | corn, plant production, varieties, fertilizer application, weed control, pest control, harvesting, sweet corn growing, cost and return analysis, open-pollinated variety, | purch |
10239 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Profitable papaya production. | papaya varieties seedlings transplanting fertilizer application weed control harvesting pest control Phytophthora powdery mildew anthracnose black spot root rot collar rot stem-end rot rhizophus fruit rot black rot boron deficiency nematode diseases mites | purch |
10242 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Raising goats. | goats breeds animal feeding pasture grasses and roughages animal housing worm control embryo technology artificial insemination milking animal diseases marketing | purch |
10238 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Raising native chicken. | native chicken animal breeding incubation brooding artificial brooding animal feeding animal housing disease prevention marketing | purch |
10237 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Raising quails. | Coturnix coturnix quails animal housing feed management brooding animal breeding eggs incubation hatching income ulcerative enteritis disease prevention bronchitis haemoprotus infection | purch |
10231 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Seaweed farming and production. | seaweeds production performance pricing import export culturing seaweeds return on investment harvesting drying shipping | purch |
10234 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Swine raising in the Philippines. | swine pigs animal housing sows boars animal breeding finisher pigs artificial insemination feeding management marketing biosecurity measures Brucellosis hog cholera diarrhea mange mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome dysentery roundworm infection pneumonia | purch |
10246 | MARID agribusiness technology guide: Ubi production guide. | yam ubi plant production climatic requirements varieties land preparation planting fertilizer application pests of plants plant diseases harvesting storage mashed ubi powdered ubi cost and returns | purch |
6032 | Marigold controls giant earthworms best in the Ifugao rice terraces. | earthworms Katakataka leaves Makabuhay vine Andadaci leaves trumpet plant Marigold Makahiya castor plant leaves papaya sunflower erosion pest control | Gonzales, Nancy Ann P.; Allig, Teresita; Bantiyan, Betty W. |
serials | agriculture magazine |