List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16040 Many hands make light work: Solving the Philippines' ailing educational system educational system; school first initiative; equitable sharing; poverty

Malicsi, Lorna C.; Foronda, Randy A.

serials searca policy brief series 2005-3

4620 Many plants are natural pesticides. pesticides, kakawate, neem, tobacco, makabuhay, tubli, aromatic herbs, red pepper,

Tacio, H.D.

serials agriculture

2278 Many roads to justice: The law-related work of Ford Foundation grantees around the world. democracy social change public interest litigation legal reform justice legal aid non-governmental organizations Africa America Bangladesh China Philippines Europe

McClymont, Mary; Golub, Stephen (eds.)


11424 MAOs in the frontline. biotechnology municipal agricultural officers : MAOs National Convention of the Devolved Agriculturists of the Philippines Inc. : DAPI agricultural modernization The Biotechnology Media and Advocacy Resource Center : BMARC Alicia Ilaga Emmanuel Alparce Saturnina Halos Bt corn biosafety information dissemination genetically modified crops

Salvador, Roja C.

biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

3331 Mapper, a low-level geographic information system GIS,

Coronado, G.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14208 Mapping gendered spaces for sandfish resource management in Guimaras, Philippines fisheries; women; gender; spatial analysis; sandfish juvenile production; sandfish sea ranching

Suyo, Jee Grace B.; Altamirano, Jon P.

serials fish for the people

1518 Mapping land resource potential and agricultural pressure in Papua New Guinea. Land resource potential land use agricultural pressure

Hanson, L.W.; Bourke, R.M.; Allen, B.J.; McCarthy, T.J.

book aciar technical reports 50

9140 Mapping of QTL for field resistance to blast (Phyricularia oryzae Cavara) in Ingngoppor-tinawon, a rice (Oryza sativa L.) landrace for the Philippines. plant diseases, plant breeding, rice breeding, SSR marker, rice,

Ritsuko Mizobuchi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15341 Mapping of quantitative trait loci associated to Fe stress tolerance in the rice seedling Oryza saliva; quantitative trait loci; single-marker analysis; recombinant inbred line; iron toxicity

Aisyah Fitri Rohani


3332 Mapping point data in geographic information systems GIS,

Paw, J.N.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly