ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
304 | Marketing perspectives on a potential Pacific spice industry | cardamom chillies cinnamon cassia cloves ginger nutmeg mace pepper pimento turmeric curry vanilla spice production seed spices trade tariff artificial spices commercialization marketing | Vinning, Grant |
book | aciar technical reports no.15 |
305 | Marketing research: measurement and method | marketing research research process research design secondary data audits survey research questionnaire design experimental design qualitative research marketing information systems sampling ethical issues | Tull, Donald S.; Hawkins, D.I. |
book |
5353 | Marketing study of uninterruptible power supplies. | marketing strategy, UPS, internet, online marketing, | Stusek, J. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |
224 | Marketing systems for farm products in Asia and the Pacific | marketing efficiency farm products agricultural cooperatives vegetables fruits agricultural marketing | book |
1444 | Marketing. | marketing ethics sales forecasting market segmentation product strategy promotional strategy marketing channels retailing advertising customer service nonprofit marketing international marketing communication process wholesaling pricing | Bovee, Courtland L.; Thill, John V. |
book |
10011 | Marriage and family in the Lao PDR : Data from the pilot survey on the situation of Lao women, Vientiane Municipality ... | women marriage customs childbirth decision making status in the family Lao PDR | purch |
12979 | Masantol is Pampanga's crab capital | fishpond fish farming | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9263 | Masbate folks train on improved techniques at the AANI urban farm. | social development programs, vegetable production techniques, vermiculture, vermicast, quail raising, organic pig production, | serials | agriculture magazine |
13405 | Maserati growing well in Ilocos Norte | seed; | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1505 | Mass communication theory: An introduction. | mass media audience media theory news social change | McQuail, D. |
book |