ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1725 | Measuring willingness to pay for electricity. | electricity household demand | Choynowski, Peter |
book | erd technical note series no. 3 |
11994 | Meat characteristics of mallard and muscovy ducks and their hybrid. | animal science Meat mallard duck muscovy duck | Smudraprabhut Suraluck |
theses |
1462 | Meat processing for small and medium scale operations. | slaughtering livestock meat animals meat evaluation meat curing meat preservation meat products regulations sausage | Ibarra, Perlito I. |
book |
4898 | Meat processors boost economic growth in Pampanga. | Meat products, meat processors, Philippines, | Espino, Jake |
serials | agriculture |
138 | Meat production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific | meat production animal production marketing beef quality pork production genetic resources beef cattle import supply and demand Asia | book |
6918 | Mechanical properties of recycled-plastic film. | recycled plastic film density thickness tensile strength tear resistance | Supreya Trivijitkasem; Runbir Singh |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
9150 | Mechanism of compensatory growth with changing levels of dietary lysine from deficient to sufficient in pigs. | animal industry, pig, rat, dietary lysine, | Aiko Ishida |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
12603 | Mechanism of histamine formation and control in fermented viscera (Dayok) from yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre)). | histamine viscera yellowfin tuna Dayok processing microbiological changes biochemical changes fermented tuna viscera lactic acid fish fermentation | Besas, Jesebel Rosillo |
theses |
7388 | Mechanism of Mangosteen Shearing. | mangosteen machinery, fruit processing machinery, | Bundit Jarimopas |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
302 | Mechanisms and Practices of Agricultural Price Policy in Asia and the Pacific | Indonesia Philippines Thailand price policy agricultural development farm products price stabilization vegetable production price trends consumption marketing policies | book |