List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1224 Memorandum Circular No.23: Clarifying roles and activities for the beneficiaries development program. book

1226 Memorandum Circular No.26, Series of 1996 : Implementing policies and guidelines on the availment of credit assistance program for program beneficiaries development (CAP-PBD). Implementing policies and guidelines on the availment of credit assistance program for program beneficiaries development (CAP-PBD). agrarian reform financial assistance book

1227 Memorandum Circular No.27, Series of 1996 : Revised system and procedures for the issuance, utilization and accounting of EP/CLOA judicial forms and the utilization and control of signing machines. Revised system and procedures for the issuance, utilization and accounting of EP/CLOA judicial forms and the utilization and control of signing machines. emancipation patents land ownership book

5443 Meralco does its share in reforestation. reforestation, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

9125 Mercury exposure and risk among women of childbearing age in Madre de Dios, Peru. mercury, childbearing, gold mining, methylmercury,

Gonzalez, David J.X.

serials tropical resources

2525 Mercury pollution due to small-scale gold mining in the Philippines: An economic analysis. gold mining environmental degradation mercury gold processing amalgamation economic valuation carbon-in-pulp health impact laws

Israel, Danilo C.; Asirot, Jasminda P.

book pids research paper series no. 2002-02

8593 Merging indigenous practice and CPAR ensures improved productivity for Abra fisherfolk. fisher folk, indigenous knowledge,

Dela Cruz, Rita

serials agriculture magazine

9853 Merriam-Webster's concise handbook for writers. English language punctuation capitals plurals possessives compounds abbreviations numbers quotations bibliographies copyediting proofreading purch

9992 Merriam-Webster's Manual for writers and editors. style manuals punctuation capitals italics plurals possessives compounds abbreviations numbers mathematics quotations foreign languages tables illustrations bibliographies indexes editing copyediting design typography typesetting printing binding purch

16028 Meso-level analysis on rice-farmers' adaptive measures for slow onset hazard: The case of saltwater intrusion in the Philippines and Vietnam saltwater intrusion; adaptation measures; farmers; Philippines; Vietnam

Almaden, Catherine Roween C.; Thanh Tung Diep; Rola, Agnes C.; Baconguis, Rowena DT.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Camacho, Jose V. Jr.; Ancog, Rico C.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2019 9-2