List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16615 Megatrends in agriculture, food industry and food markets: An empirical and holistic approach agriculture; food industry; food markets; climate change; hunger; agri-food organizations; agri-business; megatrends in agriculture; food security; international trade; sustainability; farmer cooperatives; globalization; global value chains; protectionism; agricultural trade policies

Hansen, Henning Otte


7601 Meiotic behavior in microsporocytes of some bananas in Thailand. bananas, genome, chromosome, meiotic behavior, microsporocytes,

Therdsak Thonnalak

serials the kasetsart journal

9682 Mekong Institute (GMS Leadership and Cooperation for Development) : Mekong Institute Visit to SEARCA. Mekong Institute Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) leadership development and cooperation socio-economic development rural development education reform cd

9683 Mekong Institute Video Presentation. Mekong institute cd

9595 Mekong Malaria : Malaria, Multi-Drug Resistance and Economic Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion of Southeast Asia. SEAMEO TROPMED malaria Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) multi-drug resistance geographical information system technology (GIS) forest cover environment parasite species cd

9507 Mekong Malaria II : Update of Malaria, Multi-Drug Resistance and Economic Development in the Mekong Region of Southeast Asia. SEAMEO TROPMED malaria Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) multi-drug resistance geographical information system technology (GIS) forest cover environment parasite species cd

2956 Melaleucas: Their botany, essentials oils and uses. Melaleucas botany essential oils fuelwood ethnobotanical extractives propagation pests and diseases silviculture conservation

Brophy, Joseph J.; Craven, Lyndley A.; Doran, John C.


1223 Memorandum Circular No. 19 : Guidelines and procedures governing the monitoring of violations or circumventions committed by the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS), providing sanctions therefor and filing of appropriate laws agrarian reform book

1222 Memorandum Circular No.04, Series of 1996 : Expedited processing of applications for conversion and exemption through the socialized housing one stop processing center pursuant to E.O. No. 184, Series of 1994. book

1225 Memorandum Circular No.18 : Clarificatory guidelines in the manner of generating and issuing emancipation patents/certificates of land ownership award (EPS/CLOAS) to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries and their spouses ... Clarificatory guidelines in the manner of generating and issuing emancipation patents/certificates of land ownership award (EPS/CLOAS) to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries and their spouses ... book