ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4614 | Microhydro powers livelihood in remote community in Davao. | electrical energy, hydropower facility, livelihood, | serials | agriculture |
12237 | Micronutrient cations and their availability in soils from the major corn-producing regions of Thailand | soil science soils corn Thailand soil science | Weerapun Chotivanich |
theses |
1577 | Micronutrient deficiencies of crops in Asia | crop production micronutrients iron deficiency manganese deficiency zinc deficiency boron deficiency micronutrient toxicities | Zueng-Sang Chen; Chiu, William T.F.; Petersen, Jan Bay (eds.) |
book |
4872 | Microorganisms enhance crop productivity. | Biological nitrogen fixers, nitrogen fixation, mycorrhiza, bio-organic microorganisms, Bio-N, Nitro Plus, Mycogroe, Mykovam, Bio-Quick, | Gibe, Benjie P. |
serials | agriculture |
4474 | Micropropagation of cavendish banana in Taiwan. | banana, micropropagation, somaclonal variation, cultivars, acclimatization, suckers, virus indexing, tissue culture, | Lee, S.W. |
serials | fftc technical bulletin 163 |
3914 | Micropropagation of coconut from epicotyl tissues : A histological study. | A histological study. | Coconut, clonal propagation, callogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, epicotyl, histology, | Rillo, E.P. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
3669 | Micropropagation of Kluai Khai (Musa acuminata 'Klaui Khai) using sword suckers and inflorescences at various development stages. | banana, micropropagation, sword sucker, inflorescence, | Benchamas Silayoi |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
11822 | Micropropagation, morphogenesis and cytological study of aloe (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) in vitro. | horticulture Micropropagation morphogenesis cytology Aloe barbadensis shoot multiplication | Seewapong Chamratpan |
theses |
10320 | Microsoft Access 2000: Developers's guide. | computer software database management | Jones, Edward |
purch |
9684 | Microsoft Encarta 95 : The Complete Interactive Multimedia Encyclopedia. | language audio clips graphics videos atlas information and education entertainment | cd |