ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7370 | Microfauna Community on Some Aquatic Plant Roots. | microfauna community, aquatic plant, | Nuntaporn Charubhun |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
10167 | Microfinance handbook (Philippines). | microfinance legal framework small and medium enterprises credit policy guidelines cooperatives microcredit interest rates Grameen Quedancor NAPC DTI | Favis-Villafuerte, Nelly |
purch |
1613 | Microfinance in Northeast Thailand : Who benefits and how much. | Who benefits and how much. | Nongovernmental organizations microfinance programs | Coleman, Brett E. |
book | erd working paper series no.9 |
5343 | Microfinance institutions in Latin America, Africa and South Asia. | microfinance, rural communities, developing countries, credit unions, village banks, ROSCA, | Srnec, K. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |
4840 | Microfinance repayment performance in Bangladesh: How to improve the allocation of loans by MFIs. | microfinance, social ties, group homogeneity, nonfinancial services, Asia, Bangladesh, | Godquin, M. |
serials | world development |
16056 | Microfinance: Shortcutting the long and winding road to financial security | financial security; poverty reduction; microfinance | Malicsi, Lorna C. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2007-1 |
11706 | Microflora associated with outdoor cultivation of Volvariella volvacea (Bull.Ex.Fr.) Sing. | Microflora cultivation fungi Volvariella volvacea | Vasun Petcharat |
theses |
12802 | Microhabitat use of juvenile reef fish and its implications in the use of remote sensing techniques in delineating optimal reef fish habitats. | Palau Ngederrak Reef Acoustic Ground Discrimination System fish diversity habitat maps hydrodynamic models marine protected areas | Ticzon, Victor S. |
theses |
4614 | Microhydro powers livelihood in remote community in Davao. | electrical energy, hydropower facility, livelihood, | serials | agriculture |
12237 | Micronutrient cations and their availability in soils from the major corn-producing regions of Thailand | soil science soils corn Thailand soil science | Weerapun Chotivanich |
theses |