List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7959 Milking-tine tests in conventional and quarter individual milking systems. vaccum, quarter-individual milking, milking-time test, b- and d-phase,

Meierhofer, Sandra R.

serials landbauforschung vti agricukture and forestry research

8939 Milky mushroom now produced commercially. milky mushroom, Calocybe indica, pleurotus, Spowart, Venoya,

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

14949 Millennial finds purpose and success in farming after dropping out of university farming; crops; farm yields; agricultural farm; young farmer

Medenilla, Vina

serials agriculture magazine

14244 Millennial from Rizal creates do-it-yourself vermicomposting kit to help reduce household food waste household food waste; vermicomposting

Necessario, Nikky

serials agriculture magazine

14931 Millennial housewife grows vegetables and saves more than a thousand in monthly grocery costs vegetables; gardening tips

Medenilla, Vina

serials agriculture magazine

15032 Millennial turns backyard garden into small farm backyard garden; small farm; intercropping; gardening

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

14527 Millennial turns family farm into successful agribusiness farming; agribusiness; agriculture

Dukha, Angel B. III

serials agriculture magazine

14158 Millennial-led hydroponic farm grows vegetables right in the middle of new Manila hydroponic farm; vegetables; urban farming; drip irrigation; LED lights; indoor farming; city

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

2861 Millennium development goal of halving poverty in the Asia and the Pacific region: Progress, prospects and priorities. poverty indigenous people women agricultural productivity microfinance

Gaiha, Raghav; Imai, Katsushi; Nandhi, Mani A.


9685 Mina's Village Weathers the Storm (PLANET 4-Package Learning Materials on Environment 4). storm learning materials on environment nature natural disaster typhoon calamity cd