ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11324 | Modern biotechnology and 'People Power'. | modern biotechnology biotechnology | Ilaga, Alice |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |
13094 | Modern biotechnology and agriculture: A history of commercialization of biotech maize in the Philippines | biotechnology; biosafety system; commercialization; corn; Bt corn; farming systems; genetically modified organisms; socio-economic impacts; biopesticides; biofertilizers; breeding; supply chains; market; willingness to buy; technology adoption; distribution; agroecologies | Gonzales, Leonardo A.; Javier, Emil Q.; Ramirez, Dolores A.; Carino, Flerida A.; Baria, Arthur R. |
book |
11295 | Modern biotechnology in the Philippines: Public awareness attitudes and concerns. | biotechnology genetically modified : GM policy Philippines food safety biosafety risk assessment | Tecson-Mendoza, Evelyn Mae |
biotech |
11093 | Modern food biotechnology : Principles and perspective | Principles and perspective / | biotechnology agri-food industry sustainable agriculture plant breeding conventional farming organic farming food security pesticides intellectual property rights genetics genetic engineering allergenicity | biotech |
3787 | Modern greenhouses for growing quality vegetables. | sweet pepper, tomato, lettuce, honeydew melon, coco peat, cinder, greenhouses, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture |
10144 | Modern philosophies of education. | social change school education economy democracy cosmology curriculum religious education learning intelligence teaching motivation academic freedom professional ethics educational philosophy common sense | Brubacher, John S. |
purch |
10051 | Modern refrigeration and air conditioning. | refrigeration air conditioning compressors electric motors commercial systems absorption systems dehumidifying heat loads piping refrigerant controls | Althouse, Andrew D.; Turnquist, Carl H.; Bracciano, Alfred F. |
purch |
738 | Modern rice technology and income distribution in Asia | Rice Income distribution Income Land reform Varietal improvements Asia | David, C.C.; Keijiro Otsuka (ed.) |
book |
10486 | Modern systems analysis and design. | systems development planning database design electronic commerce project feasibility process modeling data flow diagramming internet systems information systems designing interfaces software application testing web site maintenance | Hoffer, Jeffrey A.; George, Joey F.; Valacich, Joseph S. |
purch |
5348 | Modern technologies and social progress in less developed countries. | per capita income, small scale farmers, technology strategy, rural unemployment, rural inequality, income distribution, modernization, capital investments, | Havrland, B. |
serials | agricultura tropica et subtropica |