List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11691 Modifications of small-farmer credit in the rice intensification program of Indonesia, 1990. credit rice Indonesia

Slamet Hartono


3739 Modified atmospheric packaging reduces postharvest losses in perishables. modified atmospheric packaging, packaging, polyethylene bag, shelflife, serials agriculture

4075 Modified atmospheric packaging reduces postharvest losses in perishables. packaging, polyethylene bag, fruits, vegetables, cutflowers, serials agriculture

5 Modified BEAM rubber agroforestry models: RRYIELD and RRECON. latex yield girth fire

Grist, P.; Menz, K.; Thomas (eds.)

book aciar technical reports 42

4312 Modified dry direct seeding technique now widely accepted: Through farmer to farmer approach. farmer-to-farmer approach, dry direct seeding, technology transfer,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

5188 Modified dry-seeding with zero tillage and straw mulching: A new technology package for rainfed rice. dry-seeding, modified dry-seeding, pre-emergence herbicide, rainfed rice, rice straw mulch, soil moisture, technology demonstration, technology package, transplanted rice, zero tillage, production cost,

Liboon, S.P.

serials philippine journal of crop science

5668 Modified mat nursery produces healthy seedlings. modified mat nursery rice serials agriculture magazine

9027 Modified RNA in situ hybridisation protocol for oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) fruit and inflorescence. RNA localization, butanol, vacumming,

Vasagi Ramachandran

serials journal of oil palm research

5537 Modifying the gut microflora and immune modulation. pathogen animals Mannan oligosaccharides immune response Bio-Mos carbohydrate decoys piglets sows

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

8662 Modular aquaponics. aquaponics, aquaculture, fish tank, serials agriculture magazine