List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15217 Modular outreach materials for capacity development initiatives in TAAT compacts. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, Accra, Ghana outreach materials; commercialization; compacts; technologies; aquaculture; cassava; high iron beans; livestock technology; sweet potato; rice; soil; sorghum and millet; wheat; youth weblinks

5445 MOET solves soil deficiencies. Minus One Element Technique, PhilRice, yield, rice, farmers,

Pablico, S.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

4071 Moisture distribution in stems of Acacia mangium, A. auriculiformis and hybrid acacia trees. forestry, forest products, wood properties, plantation forest, heartwood, sapwood, wood drying,

Yamamoto, Koichi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8909 Molecular analysis of transgenic oil palm to detect the presence of transgenes. transgenic oil palm, PCR amplification, bar gene, antisene PAT,

A. Rahman Nurfahisza

serials journal of oil palm research

11279 Molecular biotechnology : The appropriate tools to optimally utilize our megabiodiversity. biotechnology biodiversity genetics agrobacterium gene transfer golden rice biosafety

Antonius Suwanto


11466 Molecular breeding and marker-assisted selection biotechnology marker-assisted selection : MAS DNA chromosomes backcrossess gene phenotypes molecular genetic markers genetic linkage map tomato breeding pathogen resistance biotech pocket k

4049 Molecular characterization of a lactococcal plasmid reducing the growth rate of host cells. Lactococcus lactis, plasmid,

Kobayashi, Miho

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8903 Molecular cloning and regulation of oil palm (E. guineensis Jacq.) phytoene desaturase in developing mesocarp tissues. molecular cloning, oil palm, carotenoid, phytoene desaturase,

Rasid, O.A.

serials journal of palm oil research

12342 Molecular diversity of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) and its in situ conservation in Southern Tagalog, Philippines. plant genetic molecular diversity situ conservation coconut

Namia, Ma. Teresa I.


14092 Molecular epidemiological analysis of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated from cattle in Hokkaido, Japan animal health; Salmonella enterica; bovine salmonellosis; molecular epidemiolgy; cattle

Yukino Tamamura; Ikuo Uchida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)