ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3083 | Mobile technologies for food security, agriculture and rural development : Role of the public sector. | ICT mobile network operators microenterprise market intelligence advisory services information dissemination policies | book |
348 | Mobilization of rural savings in Asia and the Pacific | Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand credit mobilization government policies | book |
10779 | Mobilizing biotechnology for developing country agriculture. | agricultural research genomic biotechnology biosafety food safety intellectual property rights risk assessment SEA | Javier, Emil Q. |
biotech |
2172 | Mobilizing knowledge to achieve the millennium development goals : Advisory report on the Dutch knowledge infrastructure in the field of international development. | knowledge production development knowledge networks | book |
902 | Mode of action of herbicides | herbicides aliphatics amides benzoics bipyridyliums carbamates diniroanilines nitriles phenols phenoxys thiocarbamates triazines triazoles ureas weeds weed control | Ashton, Floyd M.; Crafts, Alden S. |
book |
11104 | Model Act : Proposed provisions for a transparent, effective and workable biosafety regulatory framework. | biosafety cartagena protocol policy capacity building risk assessment risk management biotechnology biodiversity living modified organisms : LMOs | Abramson, Stanley H.; Reifschneider, Laura M. |
biotech |
10440 | Model business letters. | business letters complaints advertising circular letters banks compliments reprimands application letters services warehouse | Ijas; K. Rajamanikam |
purch |
1807 | Model national biosafety law. | genetically modified organisms risk assessment regulations law criminal proceedings | Gurdial Singh Nijar |
book |
11249 | Model national biosafety law. | biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms : GMOs risk assessment biodiversity cost-benefit assessment risk management | Gurdial Singh Nijar |
biotech |
12329 | Modeling and spatial interpolation of potential evapotranspiration in Mindanao | agricultural engineering Modeling spatial interpolation evapotranspiration GIS meteorological aspects Mindanao Philippines | Generalao, Irvin C. |
theses |