List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2729 Mite pests of honey bees in the Asia-Pacific region. honey production pollination honey bees

Monck, Michael; Pearce, David

book impact assessment series 46

7078 Mitigating impacts of climate change in rice production. rice production climate change greenhouse gas emissions Calapan Oriental Mindoro

Antonio, Hazel V.

serials agriculture magazine

6077 Mitigating problems on climate change in north Philippines. climate change deterioration of forests forest destruction Cordillera

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

7190 Mitigating the adverse effects of climate change in fruit production. climate change irrigation system organic fertilization cover crops pruning fruit thinning

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

13204 Mitigating the effects of la nina in the fisheries sector flexicage; floating cage culture; small farm reservoir; culture management; culture; tilapia; Oreochromis niloticus; salinity; pond preparation; stocking; feeding management; stock maintenance; harvesting; longline culture; mussels; microalgae paste serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 81

16061 Mitigating the worst impact of natural disasters disaster risk management; climate variability; natural calamities

Sibayan, Lorena R.

serials searca policy brief series 2007-6

16685 Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from rice via manipulation of key root traits Aerenchyma; barrier to radial O2 loss; oxidation; CH4; CO2; N2O

Jimenez, Juan de la C; Pedersen, Ole

weblinks rice

7730 Mitra Line is a superior strain of Anglo Nubian. goats, Anglo Nubian goats, animal breeding,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

10959 Mix and interplant : More farmers in China are interplanting rice varieties to control disease - and how the ecologically sound approach is spreading to other crops. glutinous rice genetic diversity rice production Yunnan Puccinia triticana bean fly : Ophiomyia phaseoli intercropping Mekong Delta biotech rice today

11245 Mixed species improved fallows in Western Kenya. maize soil fertility livestock fallow systems Sesbania sesban agroforestry Crotalaria grahamiana Tephrosia vogelii biological nitrogen fixation : BNF rhizobium

Cadish, George

biotech soil fertility matters