ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2729 | Mite pests of honey bees in the Asia-Pacific region. | honey production pollination honey bees | Monck, Michael; Pearce, David |
book | impact assessment series 46 |
7078 | Mitigating impacts of climate change in rice production. | rice production climate change greenhouse gas emissions Calapan Oriental Mindoro | Antonio, Hazel V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6077 | Mitigating problems on climate change in north Philippines. | climate change deterioration of forests forest destruction Cordillera | Domoguen, Robert L. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7190 | Mitigating the adverse effects of climate change in fruit production. | climate change irrigation system organic fertilization cover crops pruning fruit thinning | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13204 | Mitigating the effects of la nina in the fisheries sector | flexicage; floating cage culture; small farm reservoir; culture management; culture; tilapia; Oreochromis niloticus; salinity; pond preparation; stocking; feeding management; stock maintenance; harvesting; longline culture; mussels; microalgae paste | serials | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 81 |
16061 | Mitigating the worst impact of natural disasters | disaster risk management; climate variability; natural calamities | Sibayan, Lorena R. |
serials | searca policy brief series 2007-6 |
16685 | Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from rice via manipulation of key root traits | Aerenchyma; barrier to radial O2 loss; oxidation; CH4; CO2; N2O | Jimenez, Juan de la C; Pedersen, Ole |
weblinks | rice |
7730 | Mitra Line is a superior strain of Anglo Nubian. | goats, Anglo Nubian goats, animal breeding, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
10959 | Mix and interplant : More farmers in China are interplanting rice varieties to control disease - and how the ecologically sound approach is spreading to other crops. | glutinous rice genetic diversity rice production Yunnan Puccinia triticana bean fly : Ophiomyia phaseoli intercropping Mekong Delta | biotech | rice today |
11245 | Mixed species improved fallows in Western Kenya. | maize soil fertility livestock fallow systems Sesbania sesban agroforestry Crotalaria grahamiana Tephrosia vogelii biological nitrogen fixation : BNF rhizobium | Cadish, George |
biotech | soil fertility matters |