List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4686 More on the right of way. laws, property, right of way,

Mauricio, B.

serials agriculture

7131 More people should eat white corn. corn glycemix index cooking procedure nutrients

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5719 More postharvest handling tips for horticultural perishables. waxing pineapple modified atmosphere polyethylene bags coco peat storage tomato fruits serials agriculture magazine

11041 More practical uses of biotechnology in agriculture. biotechnology transgenic rice bacterial blight resistance papaya mangoes banana Randy Hautea ISAAA IRRI

Zarian, Zac B.

biotech philippine panorama: agri-talk

8378 More reasons to plant coffee. coffee, robusta, propagation,

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

12968 More research on fishery resources, Benham Rise urged Benham Plateau Benham Rise

De Guzman, Rodolfo P.

serials agriculture magazine

10250 More than books: Perspectives on the management of information resources and services in libraries. library administration reference and information services information management Filipiniana materials non-book materials government documents human resources evaluation libraries information resources information services

Buenrostro, Juan C., Jr.


4320 More than meets the eye: New findings on how mulch color can affect food plants. plants, light, wavelengths, mulch, colored-mulch technology, carrots, cotton, basil, phytochrome, phenolics, plant physiology, serials agriculture

11034 More use of biotech in RP urged. biotechnology papaya corn genetic engineering technology trransfer plant breeding International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications : ISAAA Philippines National Commission on Biosafety of the Philippines : NCBP Randy Hautea

Alarilla, Joey G.

biotech philippine daily inquirer

3120 MOREFORESTs : Management of Resources on Forestlands through Enhanced Sustainable Technologies. Enhanced Forest Land Use Plan sustainable forest management technologies agroforestry forest plantation

Antonio, Shaleh; Fortenbacher, Dominik; Ignacio, Gordon Bernard; Liss, Bernd; Moyano, Marifel; Pellini, Katja; Schade, Jurgen
