List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3337 Multiple environmental states affecting penaeid shrimp production in Peru

Mendo, J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14096 Multiple evaluations of use of digested slurry from methane fermentation of household food waste in vegetable growing in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam agricultural engineering; household food waste; methane fermentation; digested slurry; ammonia nitrogen; fertilizer effect; resource circulation; transportation

Fumiko Oritate; Tran Thi Kim Cuc; Masaya Ushida; Rie Murakami-Suzuki; Masato Nakamura; Masaru Yamaoka

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

10379 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - MICS II, 2000. education water and sanitation child malnutrition child health reproductive health child rights Lao PDR purch

8138 Multiple perspectives of conceptual change in science and the challenge ahead. conceptual change, multiple perspective, student learning, teaching approaches, epistemology, affective domain,

Treagust, David F.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

15306 Multiplex polymerase chain reaction method with species-specific primers for differentiation of two closely related fish species, Beryx splendens and B. mollis (Actinopterygii: Beryciformes) commercial fish; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI); DNA-based species differentiation; mitochondrial DNA; pyloric caeca

Kazuya Nishida; Satoru N. Chiba; Kay Sakuma; Ryouichi Higashi; Nobuaki Suzuki; Mai Miyamoto; Shiroh Yonezaki; Kouichi Hoshino; Kota Sawada

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9276 Multiplier dairy farms: Multiplying dairy buffalo-based opportunities. carabao raising, carabao-based enterprises, dairy farm management,

Padre, Khrizie Evert M.

serials agriculture magazine

4884 Multiply your bamboo by marcotting. Marcotting : Plant propagation, branches, bamboo, outplanting, propagules,

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture

691 Multipurpose tree species research for small farms: strategies and methods : Proceedings of an International Conference held November 20-23, 1989 in Jakarta, Indonesia uses demand market potentials economic feasibility fuelwood production small scale farmers sustainable agriculture rattan bamboo extension training needs multipurpose tree

Hauegn, C.; Medema, L.; Lantican, C.B. (eds.)


692 Multipurpose trees: selection and testing for agroforestry multipurpose tree testing selection agroforestry technologies research formulation

Huxley, Peter A.; Westley, Sidney B. (eds)


10458 Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective. multivariate analysis factor analysis multiple regression canonical correlation conjoint analysis ANOVA MANOVA cluster analysis

Hair, Joseph F.; Black, William C.; Babin, Barry J.; Anderson, Rolph E.
