List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16404 Myanmar inland fisheries and aquaculture: a decade in review inland fishery; aquaculture systems; biodiversity; fisheries; economy; value chains; export; trade; governance; management practices; areas for improvement

Soe, Khin Maung; Baran, Eric; Grantham, Ruby; Tezzo, Xavier; Johnstone, Gareth

weblinks aciar monograph no. 209

13178 Myanmar's rice industry and policies toward value addition and export agricultural policy, rice industry, exports, farm gate price, value chain, institutional innovation

Theingi Myint


6681 Mycorrhizal fungi from spathoglottis plicata and the use of these fungi to germinate seeds of S. plicata in vitro. mycorrhizal fungi spathoglottis plicata germinate in vitro

Pornpimon Athipunyakom; Leka Manoch; Chitrapan Piluek; Suparp Artjariyasripong; Somwong Tragulrung

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12398 Mycorrhizal symbiosis for enhancement of nursery grown Tectona grandis L. and Gmelina arborea Roxb. mycorrhiza arbuscular mycorrhiza nutrient transfer biofertilizer biotechnology Tectona grandis Gmelina arborea inoculation

Noor Faiqoh Mardatin


675 Mycorrhizas for plantation forestry in Asia mycorrhizal fungi physiology ecology nursery inoculation Asia

Brundett, M.; Dell, B.; Malajczuk, N.; Gong Mingqin (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.62

868 Mycotoxin contamination in grains : Papers presented at the 17th ASEAN Technical Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology Lumut Malaysia, Jul 25-27, 1995 Fungi Grains Aflatoxins Mycotoxins Maize Southeast Asia Aspergillus flavus Rice Feeds Vietnam

Highley, E.; Johnson, G.I. (eds.)

book aciar technical report no.37

9225 MykoPlus makes soil healthier and increases yield. microoganism strains, biofertilizer, mycorrhizal fungi, nitrogen fixers, phosphorous stabilizers, growth hormone secretors,

Pagcaliwagan, Butch S.

serials agriculture magazine

7817 Mystery solved: Detecting the source of a boll weevil outbreak. boll weevils, cotton,

O'Brien, Dennis

serials agriculture magazine

3199 Nagashini Beel: a case study of the transformation of a common property aquatic resource. Aquatic resource, Fisheries,

Samina, Z.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8897 Nagcarlan: Home of delicious pasalubong. espasol, bakeshop, banana chips, cassava chips, candies,

Gesmundo, Imelda M.

serials the agritourist