List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9689 National Library of China. China national library cd

473 National plans for agricultural development in Asia-Pacific region: a compilation Agricultural development Development plans Economic development Extension activities Bangladesh Bhutan China Cook Islands Fiji India Indonesia Iran Korea Malaysia Laos Maldives Myanmar Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Tonga Vanuatu Vietnam book rapa publication no.23

13748 National policy on biological diversity 2016-2025 policy; biodiversity; conservation; Malaysia book

13809 National rice industry roadmap dissected rice; ASEAN serials agriculture magazine

251 National rubber consultative meeting on quality control and quality practices Rubber Hevea brasiliensis Processing quality Quality control Philippines book pcarrd book series no.149

10050 National structural code of the Philippines 2001 : Volume 1 - Buildings, towers, and other vertical structures. structural code buildings towers minimum design loads foundations excavations structural concrete structural steel wood masonry purch

14604 National systems to support drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene: Global status report 2019. UN-water global analysis and assessment of sanitation and drinking-water water; sanitation; hygiene; regulation; surveillance; financial resources; policies; government book

15259 National trends in massive open online courses and open educational resources related to educational development in Thailand massive open online courses; open educational resources; educational development; technological applications; advantages; benefits; issues; challenges; Thailand

Somporn Puttapithakporn

serials journal of southeast asian education

11100 National workshop on Biotechnology after the World Summit on Sustainable Development : The way forward. biotechnology biodiversity sustainable development technology transfer Cartagena protocol biosafety capacity building risk assessment environmental issues genetically modified biotech

16486 National-level models to support the use of evidence in agrifood systems policy agrifood systems; agriculture; model; policy analysis; science technology and innovation; sustainable development

Stewart, Ruth.; Patino-Lugo, Daniel Felipe
